Chapter One Hundred Fifteen

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When everyone sat down at the table there was just silence

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When everyone sat down at the table there was just silence. Ba Weis father sat at the head of the table and Kang Wu sat on his left then on his right was Ba Wei and me. It felt pretty strange because when I sat down I could have sworn I got a lot of dirty looks. Weird.

"Well," Ba Weis father started, "I'm sure you all know why we're here, but I will announce it just in case." He stood up from his seat and motioned over towards me, "we're having this dinner to welcome this young man into our group and family."

"On what grounds does he have the right to a welcoming," one of the guys across from me asked? I watched as Ba Weis father coldly turned to the man and slowly took his seat.

"Well, he is my sons spouse so it is required of the family to welcome him."

"Don't make me laugh Ba Ming Chun," the guy said as he looked at me, "you're letting your son prioritize another man as his spouse instead of a woman?"

I couldn't help but let out a sigh of frustration. This guy was definitely about to start an argument and seeing how he just called Ba Weis father by his name I doubt this will go smoothly.

"My sons life isn't something I tamper with so if he wants to bring this boy as his spouse I have no room to object."


"No buts. This isn't a discussion to be had. We will welcome him with open arms so be quiet and let's eat."

Almost like nothing happened the people at the table began to eat. I kept my hands by my side and just watched as they all picked from the delicious looking dishes. I mentally cursed myself because that guy from before was definitely staring at me indirectly and it wasn't a friendly stare.

"Hey what do you like," Ba Wei asked pulling me out of my thought?

"Um I'm not sure. Why?"

He didn't ask any more questions and just started to put items on my plate. I was about to ask him to stop but I knew it wouldn't do any good.

"Try this one," he picked up a piece of beef, "it's really good."

Before I could even react he had already shoved the food into my mouth. I didn't even have time to be embarrassed because of how good the food was.

"It is," is all I said before I picked up my chop sticks and began eating.

Ba Wei watched me for a few seconds before he started to eat. The table was quiet as everyone just ate but of course someone had to break the silence and of course the question had to be directed at me. Great.

"So what's your name," someone asked? I swallowed the food in my mouth and told them my name very coldly. "It's nice to meet you. You know I'll speak for everyone here you're very handsome. Who are your parents? I'm sure you get those good looks from them."

I sighed, " thank you, and my father is Ji Guanting."

"Wait...the head of Ji Pyramid is your father?"

I simply just nodded and all at once the table burst into conversation. I could tell that Ba Wei could feel the uncomfortableness come off of me because he had put his hand on my leg and started to rub. How does he even though that would keep me calm?

"Your fathers a hard working man you know that?"

I sat my chopsticks down and let out a sigh, "sadly yes. I do know."

I had lost the little appetite that I did have now that my father was brought up. I had tried to get my mind off of him and what happened but thanks to these people it would never happen. I listened as they discussed my father and all his accomplishments. How boring. I want to leave.

"I heard your father got into a bit of an accident recently," Ba Weis father said suddenly. The table went silent instantly and I physically wanted to hit my head against something.

"Yes sir," I cleared my throat, "sadly he's in the hospital right now."

"No need for the tittle. You can call me dad or by my name if you're not comfortable with that."

I just nodded and he smiled. I glanced beside me to see Ba Wei just looking down at his plate. As usual I couldn't read it but I could tell that he was trying his best to appear like he was interested.

"Hey," I put my hand on his thigh, "are you okay."

He looked over at me and flashed a slight smile, "yeah. I just am a bit annoyed."

I raised an eyebrow, "why?"

He glanced in the direction of they guy that was currently still looking at me, "that's why."

I honestly wanted to laugh because I know what he was getting at. I mean I could see it too. Although the guy had an issue with me being Ba Weis partner he sure was giving me a number of stares. Sure most of them were were of anger which I found hilarious also.

"Relax," I looked over at the guy and made sure to make eye contact, "I'm sure he just wants a kiss or something."

"The hell I do," he slammed his hands against the table as he got up.

I shifted my eyes and I couldn't help the small laugh that left me. I looked over at Ba Wei, "looks like he heard that."

Ba Wei nudges me, "stop that. I don't want to have to fight tonight." I just nodded but I could see the slight smile on his face.

"Boqin take your seat," Ba Ming Chun said, "you're being childish."

"How am I being childish? You're son and his new bitch-"

"Sit the fuck down," Ba Wei said suddenly.

The table that was already quiet seemed to go completely silent. Everyone seemed surprised and I was too. He definitely was more than irritated now. I was just as surprised as everyone else because I hadn't heard such a cold tone come from Ba Wei. Sure the guy had called me out of my name but it didn't even bother me that much. I'm not that sensitive to bat an eyelash at someone calling me a bitch, but if I'm guessing Ba Wei didn't like it.


"You're irritating me. Shut up and sit down so we can get this over with. I don't associate with any of you on a regular basis so your opinions don't mean a lot to me. In fact I don't care what you have to say, so sit, eat, and keep your unnecessary comments to yourself."

I was expecting that guy to protest but he slowly sat back down and cleared his throat. I watched as slowly everyone just began to quietly eat. I looked over at Ba Wei in surprise to see that he had started back eating. I just stared at him in disbelief. I shouldn't be surprised by the pull he has over the people in this gang, but still I couldn't help but be slightly impressed.

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