Chapter One Hundred Seventy Eight

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Just like that baby," Ba Wei said as he kissed my neck

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Just like that baby," Ba Wei said as he kissed my neck. His hands were resting on my hips helping me just a bit as I bounced on him. I was biting my lip just to keep my voice down.

The heat in the bathroom was making me dizzy but I didn't want to stop. I don't want to let my mind focus on anything else.

Ba Wei grabbed my hips suddenly, stopping my movements. I laid back against his chest breathing hard. He slid his hands up and down my side while he planted kisses on my face.

"Are you okay? Your face is really flushed?"

"I'm fine," I lied.

I thought Ba Wei would say something but he didnt. He stayed still and I could feel his eyes on me. Out of nowhere he lifted me up and pulled out of me.

I turned around to him confused, "why-"

"you know I can tell when youre lying."

I watched as he got out the bath and my thoughts were going a mile a minute. Was he mad at me? Did he hate me? I didnt even realize it but I started to hyperventilate. The tears that I had finally got to stop started up again, and my vision began to blur because of them.

"Hey," I heard Ba Wei call. I couldn't answer and just sat there with the panic of not being able to breath. I felt arms go around me and out of habit I buried my face into his neck. As soon as Ba Weis familiar scent hit my nose I began to calm down. "You're okay. Breathe for me baby."

For what felt like a eternity of holding my breath, I finally exhaled. I sobbed in his arms once again and this time I didnt know why. All the emotions I was feeling just felt overwhelming. My thoughts were all muddled together and the tears just wouldn't stop.

"It's okay. I'm right here."

We stayed in that position for I don't know how long. I slowly removed my head from his chest and looked up at his face. His eye brows were furrowed and he was staring straight forward.

"Ba Wei," I called.

His eyes snapped to mine, "hmm?"

"Do you hate me?"

"I could never hate you."

"I'm sorry."

"For what," he asked as I looked away?

"For always causing problems that you have to fix."


"I'm sorry for being emotionally like this," I said cutting him off.

"Stop overthinking so much. I love you, and nothings gonna change that. Finish your bath."

"You're not coming back in?"

"Do you want me to?"

I nodded and he smirked. He pulled the towel from around his waist and stepped back into the bathtub. I moved up a bit and let him get back comfy. I leaned back against his chest and he immediately started to rub circles into my side.

Sex wasn't on my mind anymore. Just being skin to skin with him was enough. Even if I wanted to continue I had gone soft and so did he. I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers.

"Ba Wei," I called softly.


"I want to go home."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't want to be in this city anymore. I want to go home, go back to school. Go back to my normal life."

"If that's what you want to do, I will tell my father."

When I said that phrase I meant it. After having my father give such somber news, I just wanted to go back to a familiar place. I wanted to go back to school, something that he wanted me to do. I wanted to make him proud while he was on his last days. I just want to make him proud.


When we got out of the bath Ba Wei left to go speak to his father. I sat in bed with the soup I had made in front of me. I didn't have a appetite, but I forced myself to eat it. As I ate the soup I just recalled all the shit that had happened over the span of this year. Sure I met Ba Wei, but that was the only good thing. Why is my family so dysfunctional?

I was in the middle of trying to answer that question when Ba Wei entered the room. As our eyes met I noticed that it seemed like he wanted to say something. I raised a eyebrow and waited but he just climbed into bed with me.

"What did you and your father talk about?"

"I told him about going home. He didn't object to it. He actually thinks it's a good idea."

"What else?"

"That's all. He said he was going to take care of your mother."

I just nodded and sat the soup on the bedside table. I reached out and ran my hair through his hair. I knew he wasn't telling me something but for once I just kept my mouth shut. If he didn't want to tell me I wouldn't force him.

"Graduation is close by," I said softly.

"What about it?"

"I was just thinking about what I wanted to do after."

"Whatever you do I will support you."

"I know but what if I'm forced to take over my fathers company?"

Ba Wei glanced up at me, "If that happens I'll become the next head of the gang."

When I heard him say that I was confused because why would he stay in something that he wanted to leave. Sure he could sacrifice things for me but sacrificing his future...

"Ba Wei you don't have to do that just because I might be forced to take over. You can do whatever you like."

He grabbed my hand, "stop talking nonsense. You're my forever aren't you?" I nodded, "then sacrifices have to be made. I only want to leave this gang to protect you so if staying in it will have the same effect it won't bother me much."

"Ba Wei you spoil me to much you know that."

He chuckled, "you know I enjoy doing it."

I smiled and played with his fingers. I ran my thumb across his ring finger and swallowed. It had only been six months since we met, but it felt like I'd known him for a lifetime. Everything just feels right. He feels right.

"Ba Wei."


"Can we go out for a walk?"

"Yeah we should be able to. There's a small trail around the house. We should be able to walk around freely there." He got up off the bed and stretched. "Come on."

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