Chapter Forty-Seven

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When we pulled up in front of my apartment building the mood in the car was rather awkward

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When we pulled up in front of my apartment building the mood in the car was rather awkward. Ba Wei hadn't said anything the entire ride and the only time he did talk was when he took a phone call. After that call his mood looked to have declined a bit, and even though I wanted to ask about it; I didn't.

I climbed out of the car, and to my surprise Ba Wei didn't even glance my way. I wanted to say something but in the end I just decided against it. I turned and made my way to the stairs. Just as I was about to start climbing I glanced back to see that the car was still there.

I raised an eyebrow and the backseat window started to roll down. I squinted my eyes and a slight smile made its way on my face. Ba Wei was waving. I shook my head slightly and returned the wave. After that the car slowly pulled away as the window rolled back up. I smiled to myself and turned and climbed the stairs.

When I came to the door I was surprised to see a black box in front of it. What is this? I opened my door and sat my bag down and picked up the box. I switched on a light and walked to the island in my kitchen.

I eyed the box for a minute trying to think of who could've sent it. Is it from my father? He's never sent a present but he also has never been silent for this long. Maybe it was an apology gift.

I was about to open it when I noticed a small card on the back of it. I picked it up and opened it and I immediately froze. It had a phone number on it. I raised an eyebrow but still pulled out my phone and dialed the number. It rung a few times before someone picked up.


"Ji Nan," they called. Chills went over my body as that sweet sounding voice entered my ears.

"Han jie Xue?"

"So you do remember me."

"What...what do you want?" My voice was cold, and threatening.

"Oh when you're angry it's always been cute."

"What do you want, and what's in the box?"

"Why are you asking if you know?"

Listening to her voice made me want to puke. Her voice was so sweet yet creepy. It matched her pretty well. She's a beautiful girl, but her personality doesn't fit her beauty at all.

"I'm not going to date you so-"

"But you'll date that tramp at your new school?"

Her response was quick and took me off guard. I didn't know what she was talking about and if I did I still wouldn't have cared much.

"Who I date isn't your business."

"Really, I-"

Before she could finish her sentence I ended the call, and blocked the number afterwards. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and looked at the box. How did she find me? Better yet what did she send me?

I opened the box slowly and let out a sigh when I saw flowers. I don't know what I was expecting to be in that box, but flowers were not one of them. I picked up the box and threw it in the trash. I ran a hand through my hair and stared blankly at the wall.

I couldn't help but think about how she found me. Maybe she was stalking me again, or maybe someone told her where I was. That was unlikely since I don't talk to anyone from my last school. Why can't she just leave me alone?

I walked out of the kitchen with a strange mood. I walked into my bedroom and flopped down on the bed. I pushed what ever thoughts I had to the back of my head, and stared at the ceiling.

As I stared at the ceiling one thing came to mind. Alcohol. I sat up and looked at my closet. I got up and walked over to it. I opened it and looked around in for a minute until I found a large box. I knew you left it here old man.

Even though my father didn't want me to drink he still did. I hate to say it but my father had a rather good taste for whine. Even though he barley ever drunk alcohol he still kept a bottle of Baijiu. Specifically maotai.

I opened the box and took the bottle out and opened it. Without batting an eyelash I took a swig from the bottle. The burn that hit my throat felt nice but I couldn't help but knit my eyebrows together. I took another swig, then another and the cycle began.


I don't know how long it had been since I started drinking but I felt dizzy, and the bottle was almost half full. I lay on the floor in my room just staring up at the ceiling.

I had no particular feeling as I lay there Just emptiness. Why can't I get away from this feeling? Even tryingEven when I was a trouble maker this feeling stayed, and even now I can't shake it. Even with alcohol this feeling won't disappear. I took another long swig from the bottle. Pathetic.

After a few minutes of laying there I pulled out my phone and scrolled to my fathers contact and clicked on it. I waited for him to answer but it ultimately went to voicemail. I hung up the phone and sat up. The room began to spin as I did this, but after a few minutes it stopped.

I squinted my eyes and scrolled through my contact a bit more and noticed Ba Weis contact. I stared at it for a long time before I clicked it. It run a few minutes before he picked up.


"Hey," I hiccuped out.

"Are you okay?"

A smile spread across my face. "Yeah I'm fine."

"Why did you call then?"

His voice was flat, but not cold. I scanned my mind for something to say because I honestly didn't know why I called.

"I just wanted to hear your voice," I said slowly. When I said those words my face began to heat up. If I wasn't intoxicated I wouldn't definitely wanted to take those words back but It was too late.

The line went silent for a minute and then there was rustling.

"I'm kind of busy at the moment. Let me call you back okay?"

I didn't say anything and before I could the line went dead. I let my hand fall back to the side as I stared at the ceiling my vision began to blur. Soon I was engulfed in darkness.

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