Chapter Forty-Nine

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Class the next day was strange

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Class the next day was strange. Although time passed like normal, I didn't function as I usually did. I couldn't pay attention to an lesson, nor could I focus on the teachers words. Each time I would try my mind would flash to the night before and cause my mind to instead focus on one thing. The feeling of my lips against Ba Wei's.

I kissed him, and not only did I kiss him. I kissed him when I was intoxicated. I wanted to rip my hair out at the thought of what went through his mind. He must think I'm gross. Hell, I don't even know how to feel about myself. Not only was Ba Wei the first guy I liked, but he was also the first guy I kissed. Even thinking that makes me somewhat uncomfortable. I never thought that I would ever be attracted to someone as much as I am now. I never thought that the person that I would be infatuated with would be a man. Is there something wrong with me?

"Ji Nan," a stern voice called pulling me out of my thoughts.

My eyes immediately snapped to the front of the classroom where the sound had come from. It was none other than the chemistry teacher. She was a short woman with short hair and glasses. She was the type of woman that would shush herself in a library. Of all the teachers in this school she was the one that wasn't fond of me. She would constantly call on me to do questions because my grades were good. That doesn't seem to bad but the comments she would make made it what It was. She's more annoying than my old gym teacher.


She narrowed her eyes at me," Guo Xue would like to speak with you at the beginning of lunch, so make sure you go there."

I raised an eyebrow but nodded and looked down at my blank notebook. The homeroom teacher wants to see me? I couldn't help but wonder why and why so suddenly. As I went through the possibilities I came to only one conclusion. It had to be about the tutoring session. It had to be.

I let out a sigh and was about to turn my attention back to trying to taking notes when my phone buzzed. I pulled my phone out and glanced at the screen. It felt like my heart skipped a beat when I saw Ba Wei's name.

Ba Wei: Come to the roof at lunch.

I stared at the message wondering why he would randomly text me. It wasn't surprising because he texted first but because he had been ignoring me since last night.

I sent him a text when I woke up this morning only to get no reply. I know me kissing him probably made him confused, but I was just as confused as him. I have never once felt the fear of losing someone since people come and go. Yet the thought of him hating me and not wanting to be around me terrified me. After staring at that message for a few minutes I finally typed a short response.

Me: okay.
When lunch came everyone rushed out the classroom as they usually do. I slowly stood from my desk and was about to walk out the door when I heard a faint voice call my name. I turned around to see Yaling. Her hair was down which was uncommon for her, and as I took a glance at her face I noticed that her makeup was applied quite messily.

"What do you want," I asked coldly?

"Can we talk?" The voice was low and somewhat hoarse.

"We're talking now."

She didn't seem to like that answer, but she still began to talk.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for budding into your life when It wasn't my place. I'm sorry-"

"Yaling, I don't have time for this."

"I'm trying to apologize." Her voice came out as a whimper.

"I don't want your apology."

Before she could say anything else I walked out of the classroom. I don't know what was going through her head but whatever it was I didn't care. I didn't want to speak to her anymore. I had put up with her shit since I moved here, and only now have I finally unassociated myself with her. That high pitched voice that used to haunt me finally doesn't yell my name anymore. How refreshing.

When I made it to the teacher workroom it was somewhat empty. I made my way over to Guo Xue and took a seat in one of the chairs. His back was to me and he seemed to be speaking on the phone. I crossed my legs and pulled out my phone, and to my surprise there was a message. It wasn't from Ba Wei, but from my father. I hadn't heard from him all weekend.

Father: I'll be home later tonight.

For the first time in a long time reading a message from my father brightened my mood. I actually was happy to see that message from him. At least that showed me that he was okay. At least it told me that he was alive.

"Ji nan," my homeroom teacher called pulling me out of my thoughts. I quickly put away my phone and looked up at him. "How is your day going?"

"It's going well. Is there a particular reason you wanted to speak to me?"

"Ah I should've known that you would want to know why. Well it's of course about the tutoring sessions." He sat down and opened a file that lay in front of him, "Ba Wei's grades seem to be improving quite a bit compared to his old grades."

I didn't know what to do in that situation so I just sat there and listened. I listened to him ramble about Ba Wei's attendance, and one part of that caught my attention.

"He stopped skipping the first thirty minutes of class every morning?"

He looked at me in confusion, "yes, his first teacher has been quite thrilled about it. She says that he even has been taking notes."

Guo Xue seemed to be happy about this news, but I doubt he was happier than I was. Ba Wei actually did what I asked him to. I didn't think he would listen to me about skipping let alone taking notes. I couldn't help but think it was somewhat cute. A small smile made its way onto my lips, and I heard a gasp come from in front of me.


"Ah, nothing. I've just never seen you smile like that before is all." I didn't say anything in response to that and he continued talking. "Anyway back to the reason I called you here. The tutoring sessions will be ran until midterms. Depending on how well the tutees do on the exams will determine if the sessions are still needed."

"That means I have to study and tutor someone for midterms?"

"Don't worry. I'm sure you won't have any issue with it, but If you do just come to me and voice your concerns."

I nodded and he rather quickly shooed me away. I bowed and made my way into the hallway. I glanced around for a minute before I started making my way to the roof. I had to push through groups of people, and the noise that came with them made my ears ring. I was thankful when I finally made it to a hall that was a bit quiet. God I hate this school.

I walked slowly down this hall taking in the quietness, but as I saw the door leading to the roof my heart began to beat fast. I pushed the door open and just stared at the stairs. I didn't want to climb them. I didn't want to face him. I didn't want to know what would happen If I did. I was truly afraid as I stood at the bottom of those stairs. Just get it over with.

I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes. Just as I was about to start to climb the stairs to the roof a familiar voice called my name causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Ji Nan." Even though I knew who that voice belonged to I didn't want to turn around to face him. I knew as soon as I looked at him my face would turn red. "Not gonna look at me?"

I could hear the amusement in his voice. My breath was heavy and even though I wanted so badly to respond to him I couldn't. I listened as he slowly walked up to me and just by my ear he said something that made me want to run and hide somewhere.

"Do you slam the door in the face of every guy you kiss?"

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