Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day would've been okay if I wasn't dead tired

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The next day would've been okay if I wasn't dead tired. I barley got any sleep after Ba Wei left last night, and it had everything to do with him leaving at two in the morning. I tried to hide it most of the day but by the time lunch came the only thing I wanted to do was sleep.

I got up from my desk and pulled out my phone. To my surprise I had messages; I didn't even feel my phone vibrate. They were mostly from Yaling. Why I still had her unblocked confuses me. I deleted all her messages until I came across the ones from Ba Wei. A small smile spread across my face as I read them.

Ba Wei: sorry for keeping you up last night
Ba Wei: if you want we can skip the tutoring session today.

If I wasn't skeptical of everything, I would say that he was worried about me. I was about to send him a text back when I bumped into someone. Before I even looked up I had already muttered an apology. When I finally came face to face with the person in front of me my eyes narrowed. Judging by his dyed blonde hair and earrings he most defiantly was a delinquent. The words that came out of his mouth only confirmed it.

"You better be sorry," he said. I cocked an eyebrow at him, and he looked over at his friends. "Do you have an issue huh?" I didn't say anything, and I guess that only made him angrier. I stood there just looking at him calmly before I said something simple in return.

"Am I supposed to be afraid of you?" I was genuinely curious because if fear was the emotion I was supposed to be feeling it wasn't there. If I compared him to the people I used to hang around before I moved, he would look like a sweetheart.

"What do you think punk? Do you know who I am?" He looked back at his group of friends as he said this.

Calmly I responded, "no. I don't really want to. I apologized for bumping into you so I'll be on my way."

I tired to walk away but he stepped in front of me. Even though my demeanor was calm, on the inside I was getting more and more annoyed. I was already tired and I just wanted to get to the roof so I could take a nap.

"Is there something you want," I asked without looking at him?

"Yeah," he responded. His friend group began to circle me and I was still calm. If he wanted a fight, I wouldn't back down. I hadn't had such fun in months. "You think you're tough, huh?"

I stayed silent and looked down at my phone. I had yet to send Ba Wei a message. I put up a finger to tell him one moment and sent Ba Wei a text.

Me: I'll be on the roof in a minute.


When I walked onto the roof Ba Wei was leaning against the railing. As I approached him his eyes shot to mine and he pushed himself off to meet me half way. I had a pretty good idea of why he wanted to come closer.

My left cheek was probably swelling. It was the only thing I had after the fight with that guy. His friends didn't even do anything after I knocked him on his ass. I wanted to resolve it peacefully, and tried but he wanted conflict so he got it.

"What happened to your face," he asked as we stopped in front of each other?

"It's nothing, it doesn't hurt." I walked pass him and went and sat down by the railing. He followed right after and took a seat beside me.


"Huh," I said as I leaned my head against the railing?

"Who did that to you?" His voice was calm, a little too calm. I looked at his side profile for a second before I sighed.

"Does it matter? I'm fine."

"It does," he shot back. He looked over at me and our eyes met. "Now give me a name." I felt something weird go through my body as he stared at me. It was something within his stare that made my body tingly.

"U-um," I stuttered, "I don't know his name." I shifted my eyes but Ba Wei still looked at me.

"How did he look?" Why do you care so much? I didn't want to tell him, but I felt he would keep pushing about it anyway. I wonder why he was being this pushy. It's the first time I seen him like this.

"Blond hair, earrings, annoying."

"Dai Yang," he whispered under his breath. So he did know him.

"Is that his name?"

"Yeah. He's probably throwing a celebration because he hit you."

"I don't think he's gonna wanna move his jaw for a while."  I closed my eyes, and yawned. I heard Ba Wei chuckle from beside me but I couldn't even open my eyes back up.

"I'm sorry for keeping you up last night. You probably only got a few hours of sleep."

"I only got one hour of sleep, "I said under my breath. I hopped that he wouldn't hear, but he did.

"Shit, really? I'm sorry for leaving so late then." I waved my hand and he went silent. I was about to doze off when I felt Ba Wei pull me. I wanted to protest but I didn't have the strength to. I thought he was  pulling me to stand up but to my surprise my head hit something soft.

It was way more comfortable that that railing. I didn't even want to think of what it might be. I was too focused on actually sleeping. I yawned and moved my head slightly to get more comfortable. Ba Wei was silent and I appreciated that. The last thing I heard before I finally dozed off was that familiar deep voice saying one word that made a tiny flint of anger hit me.


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