Chapter One Hundred Seventy

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I woke up snuggled up to Ba Wei

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I woke up snuggled up to Ba Wei. I don't even remember falling asleep, but after the night we had it didn't surprise me. I glanced up at Ba Wei to see him peacefully sleeping. I smirked a bit, and carefully pulled away from him. I slid out of bed and yawned. I scratched the back of my head and walked into the bathroom. I clicked on the lights and glanced in the mirror. I didn't look that bad but I definitely looked stressed.

I sighed and quickly used the bathroom and washed my hands. I ran my hands through my hair and tried to work out the little tangles in it. It didn't help much and I was about to look for a brush when Ba Wei's voice rang though the room.

"What are you doing up?" His voice was hoarse and scratchy. I looked over at the door to see him leaned against it.

"Had to pee." He didn't say anything and just walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck.

"What are you doing?"

"I was about to brush my hair, but I don't see a brush."

He chuckled, "it's under the sink. I'll get it."I watched as he leaned down and opened the cabinets beneath the sink. He rummaged around for a few seconds before he returned with a rather large brush. I reached out for it but he shook his head. "Let me."

I just nodded and watched as he stood back up straight. I watched in the mirror as he brushed through my hair. He was gentle, so gentle that it surprised me. Its not like he hadn't been gentle like this with me before, but it still was surprising since I knew how rough he usually was when he brushed his hair.

"Are you going to cut it anytime soon?"

"Hmm. I might. Do you not like it being this long," I asked glancing back at him?

"I like it this way," He said as he sat the brush down. "I was just curious."

"I might get it trimmed a bit, but I don't think I'll cut it. I want to grow it out a bit more." He only nodded and ran his hand through my hair.

"Do you want to get something to eat?"

"Is anything even open," I said as I turned to walk out the bathroom?

"It's almost six, so there should be a few things open."

I sat back on the bed, "yeah we can. We should actually head to the train station anyway."

He nodded and I watched as he slid on the outfit he had on yesterday. I sighed and got up and did the same. I had almost forgot that I was heading home today. I almost forgot about all the shit that was going on.

I got up and walked over to the door and slid into my shoes. Ba Wei followed right after. I walked out the door and stopped and waited for Ba Wei. He closed the door and locked it. When he walked up to me he immediately grabbed my hand.

"Lets go."


We made it to the train station about thirty minutes after six. I wasn't too mad about it since we had a large breakfast. Ba Wei was currently buying tickets and I was just leaning against a pillar scrolling on my phone. I wasn't looking at anything in particular but as I scrolled I saw a article about my father. I clicked out it and let out a sigh. The title itself made me upset.

"Ji Pyrimid CEO has cancer, doesn't have long to live," I said aloud.

I knew it wouldn't be long until the media found out about his health, but it pissed me off that he couldn't at least go through this in peace. I sighed and stuffed my phone in my pocket and Ba Wei walked up not soon after.

"Why are you making a face like that?"

I grabbed his hand, "I'm fine. Lets just get going okay."

He nodded and we walked onto the train. We quickly took out seats, and only then did I realize that he had bought first class seats. He motioned  for me to sit and that's what I did. I got as comfortable as I could and when Ba Wei sat I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Are you still tired?"

"A bit, but I'm going to try to stay up."

"Why? You can sleep if you need to love."

I didn't say anything and just reached out and grabbed his hand. I started to play with his fingers, and a question popped into my head. Did Ba Wei want to live together. I mean it wouldn't be much of a change since we spent so much time together already. A blush made it's way to my cheeks, and I had hoped Ba Wei didn't notice but of course he did.

"Why are you blushing?"

"N-no reason," I stuttered out.

He chuckled and leaned his head against mine, "oh it's definitely something."

I didn't say anything and to my surprise he didn't push for the answer. I continued to play with Ba Wei's hand and after a few minutes he grabbed my hand. Confused I was about to ask what he was doing but he spoke first.

"How would you feel if I left the gang?"

I was shocked at the question, "I would love if you did, but why that sudden question?"

"I was thinking about leaving after graduation?"

His voice was steady and firm. He seemed set on it and I couldn't be happier. The life he had grown up in was dangerous, and so was mine. If I could leave everything behind I would.

"I'm happy at the news, but why the sudden decision?"

He lifted his head and looked down at me, "Its just getting old and I want to keep you safe."

I squeezed his hand, "you keep me safe enough. What happened to me wasn't because of your life style but because of mine. Don't beat yourself up over something that wasn't your fault."

"Baby I'm not beating myself up over that. I'm beating myself up over the fact that I have nothing to offer you but a lifestyle that you're trying to leave behind." I rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb and just listened to what he had to say. "I don't want you to have to wake up to a life that is full of violence because you chose to love me."

His voice was so soft, almost sorrowful. It made my heart ache hearing him sound like that. I understood what he was saying and I was flattered that he was thinking ahead for me.

"Look at me." He turned his full attention to me, "whatever you decide I'll support you. If you decide to leave or if you don't. Nothing will change."

"I just don't want you to get hurt in the crossfire of something stupid."

I smiled up at him, "I could say the same for you, but a boring life wouldn't suit us would it?"

He smiled and leaned down and kissed me, "you're right."

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