Chapter Five

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The next morning I woke up with a sore back and feeling more tired than I did yesterday

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The next morning I woke up with a sore back and feeling more tired than I did yesterday. Sleeping on the couch was a bad idea, and now I know I was correct. I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed.

The living room was dim. Only certain parts of it were fully lit. It must be past morning. I got up off the couch and stretched. Some of my bones popped, but it still didn't help with the hard pain that was coming from my back.

I grabbed the quilt from the couch and put it back in the closet. When I walked back I looked at the pillow and raised my eyebrows. I checked my watch and it was almost noon. He couldn't possibly still be asleep.

I grabbed it and made my way to my room. To my surprise, when I entered it was empty. My bed looked as if it hadn't even been slept in. I walked over to the bedside table to see a note. I picked it up and read it.

Sorry, I had to leave early. Thanks for letting me stay over.

I read it slowly and I was about to throw it away until I noticed some numbers on the back. I turned it over and studied it, and from how many digits there were; it had to be a phone number. Did he leave this here for me to find?

I walked back into the living room and picked up my phone and dialed the number. It rung for a minute before someone picked up.


"It's Ji Nan. I was just seeing if this was your number."

"Oh, you could've just texted me."

"uh, I guess I could've. I'll text you next time."

He ended the call without saying anything. I coded his number into my phone and yawned. I looked around my apartment and sighed. I would have to do chores today. Not only did I barely have any clothes clean, but I also didn't have any food either. I would have to do laundry, clean the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. I would also have to go shopping. By the end of all that I would be exhausted. Although I didn't want to do it, I knew I had to. Otherwise, it wouldn't get done.

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my dirty clothes basket. It was beyond over full. If my father was here, I would've already been yelled at about it. I usually keep this place very clean, but because of the tutoring sessions, I didn't have any time to clean. I came straight home and took a shower and went to bed.

Speaking of showering, where did Ba Wei put his clothes? I looked down at the basket in my hand and narrowed my eyes. If he put them in here, they would be on top. If he had taken the clothes off I gave him and put back on his; then those clothes would be on top. Did he take them with him? He had to because there was no way that they were in the basket I was holding.

I walked to my utility room and put the clothes in the washer. I set them on the longest cycle and grabbed the broom on my way out. I began cleaning the living room. First sweeping, then mopping, then I straightened the furniture.

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