Chapter Seventy-Nine

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When Ba Wei said that I thought he was fucking with me, but he wasn't

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When Ba Wei said that I thought he was fucking with me, but he wasn't. He gave me a quick kiss and left me standing at my door blushing like a school girl. My heart was hammering in my chest as I turned around and went into my apartment. He was such a tease.

I sat my school bag down and switched on the lights and made my way to my room. As I walked I couldn't help but let out an uncomfortable groan at the small sensation that went through my body as my pants rubbed against my half erect member. I sighed and began to strip out of my clothes.

When I was fully naked I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I walked in front of the mirror and looked over my appearance. My hair was a bit wild but other than that I would say that I looked good. I let my eyes wander until they came to a stop at my neck and all the hickeys that were there. I ran my hand across them and what Ba Wei said echoed through my mind.

"They fit me huh?" I let my hand fall to my side. "The one I give you will fit you too."


When I finally got in bed it was around three in the morning and even though I was tired I couldn't find sleep. I laid there in bed just staring at my ceiling thinking about nothing. I guess I was counting sheep but it had been about an hour and I had ran out of the fluffy creatures to count.

I was about to turn over and try to sleep again when my phone dinged. I raised an eyebrow and reached over and got it. I looked over the screen to see a text message from an unknown number. I clicked on it and my entire body froze at what popped up on the screen.

It was a picture of me and Ba Wei holding hands on the street. I would've said that scared me but it didn't. However the message that was attached to the image made my blood run cold.

Unknown: didn't take you as a faggot pretty boy.

I read over the message again before closing my phone. I let out another sigh and ran my hands over my face. I knew who had sent that message. It could be only them since they're the only person that called me that. I may have not minded when I was drunk out of my mind but seeing it attached to an Image that had to be taken secretly made me uneasy.

How the hell did they find me? It had to be because of Han Jie Xue. I wouldn't put it past her if she called them and told them she found me. She was always like that. Always clueless about danger. Even thinking about all the shit she had got me into before I moved made me upset.

From almost being arrested to getting into fights because she wanted me to show I cared. I didn't, I never did, but I did all those things just because it would make her stop bothering me. That's the reason why when I left I didn't call her or text her. I just changed my number and acted like we never met because to me we hadn't.

She never knew me. She thought she did though. I doubt she could tell you what my favorite food was, favorite color, things that I hate. She was only with me because of my status and that's it. The sex wasn't even that good.

I know that makes me sound like an asshole but the girl wasn't an angel is what I'm trying to get across. She was a nightmare to my life. Thinking back those people...that guy was the one that introduced us. I bet he knew how she was. I bet he had already had her. To think that I called them my friends...I could laugh.

I closed my eyes and almost like a movie memories began to play. Pain, betrayal would be the only words I could use to describe how I was feeling as I lay in the darkness of that room. I didn't want to remember those memories. They were fake anyway. They weren't real. The love that I was showed wasn't real. The person that I called brother didn't see me like his own.

I felt a tear run down the sides of my face. I wanted to forget about that entire group of people. They just used me for my money just like everyone else. They liked when I had my fathers black card but when I said I didn't want to spend his money anymore they became distant. They became almost like strangers.

They would walk pass me everyday and not say a word. I didn't care about the rest of the group, I didn't like them anyways. I just put up with them for him. I put up with their stupid shit for him because I cared. I cared what happened to him but he didn't care about me.

When I stopped swiping my card he was like everyone else. He was supposed to be my best friend, my brother, my glue to staying sane. In the end it took my father to pull me away from him. The person I resented the most had to make me stop caring about him.

I wonder if he ever thinks about me? About how I'm doing because I think about how he's doing even though I shouldn't care. I'm pathetic. I don't have a mom and barely have a dad. I don't even want to call him that anymore.

I wiped my eyes, "I truly have no one."

I let out a shaky breath and pulled the duvet over my nose. Just breathe, these thoughts will pass like they always do. I repeated that phrase over and over to myself until I finally drifted off into sleep.

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