Chapter Eighteen

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Class went by fast after that, and because of my bad mood I didn't even take notes

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Class went by fast after that, and because of my bad mood I didn't even take notes. I had just left the classroom when I remembered I had to get Ba Wei's homework. I quickly made my way to the staff room, and walked in. One by one, I went to each teacher and retrieved all of his homework. It wasn't a lot since three of them didn't assign any. I said thank you and took my leave.

I was very surprised that most of them didn't ask why I was retrieving his homework. Many of them even seemed happy I was. He did say that they wouldn't care if he was absent. I shrugged and started to make my way out of the school.

I walked fast and even though my back pack was a bit heavier, it didn't slow me down. The streets were a bit lively since it was still early. There were people still out shopping, and although I looked them over; I did so briefly. I didn't want to be caught staring; it would be very embarrassing if I was. So In the end I just kept my eyes foreword for the rest of my walk home.

When I unlocked my door a sense of relief washed over me. I dropped my bag on the floor beside the door and switched on the lights. I pulled off my shoes and shut the door making sure to lock it in the process. I let out a sigh and went straight for the couch.

I flopped down on it and laid my head back enjoying the silence that surrounded me. It had been about two weeks since I had the privilege to come home so early. It made me feel out of place in my own home.

I sat there looking at the ceiling for a few minutes before I finally got up. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I glanced over all the food that lined it and clicked my tongue.

"Should I cook," I asked aloud? I stared into the fridge trying to decide and soon I came to a conclusion. I began taking out the ingredients to make a simple noodle soup. After I got everything out, I quickly began to get everything ready. From putting on the broth to boil, to chopping the vegetables, and getting the noodles out.

After about ten minutes, the soup was done. I poured some into a bowl and took out some chopsticks. I took a seat at the island in my kitchen and slowly started to eat. It tasted very good, but that may be just because I was really hungry. Probably.

When I got done eating I sat the bowl in the sink, and covered the rest of the soup. I would usually put it up, but because Ba Wei would be coming over; it would be best to keep it warm. I checked my watch and turned around and headed towards the bathroom. It was only about nine now, and by the way he spoke earlier he would be here very much later.

I turned on the shower and walked back into my bedroom and started to strip as I usually did. I walked back into the bathroom but stopped soon after ad just stared at the shower. My face began to heat up as a particular memory surfaced.

With a red face I stepped into the shower and began to wash my body. I scrubbed my body quickly, and washed my hair equally as fast. My face was beat red the entire time, and it wasn't from the heat.

When I was washing the conditioner out of my hair my doorbell rang. At first I didn't know what it was since usually people just knocked.i cut off the shower and ran a towel over my hair and wrapped one around my waist and quickly walked to my front door. When I opened it I was met by a very bruised Ba Wei.

"What happened?" I knew he could hear the concern in my voice, but I really didn't care. He looked terrible. The right side of his face was swelling, and his uniform had blood on it. I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

"Nothing, I'm fine," he said.

"Don't lie to me." I sat him down on the couch and only then did I remember that I was only in a towel. My face turned slightly red, and I rushed into my bedroom. I threw on some sweats and a white T-shirt and went to retrieve the first aid kit.

When I walked back into the living room, he was looking down at his phone. His face was stern, but as soon as he noticed that I had come back he stuffed it back in his pocket. I took a seat beside him, and opened the first aid kit. He watched me without saying a word, and only when I was about to put an alcohol soaked cotton ball on a small cut on his face did he finally say something.

"There's no need for that."

"You have open wounds on your face. How is there no need?"

"Because I said so."

I ignored what he said and pressed the cotton pad onto the cut. I expected him to flinch, but he didn't. I could feel his eyes on me as I cleaned all the wounds on his face. His gaze was intense, and even if I wasn't looking into those eyes of his; it still made me intimidated.

After I was done I placed small bandages over all the cuts, and turned my attention to his body.

Without thinking I spoke, "take off your clothes." I looked up at his afterwards and watched as he raised an eyebrow. My face immediately started to heat up. "I want to check for other wounds."

He chuckled, "don't worry. I have no wounds on my body."

"How can I be sure?"

"You can be sure because majority of this blood isn't mine."

I didn't know what to say to that. His clothes weren't that bloody, but they were still splattered. As I glanced him over, my eyes stopped at his hands. I hadn't noticed when I grabbed it, but they were red and many of them were swelling. It looked painful, and if I had to guess on how they became like that; I would say he hit something or someone.

"What happened," I asked again? He stayed silent. "You said it was nothing yet you're covered in blood, your hands are beaten up."

"If you know what happened, why do you need confirmation?" I opened my mouth to say something, but in the end I just closed it again. I kept my eyes down, and as I stared at his pants something dawned on me. He was sitting on my couch covered in blood. I quickly stood up, and Ba Wei's eyes followed me.

"Get up." Without any question he stood up. "Take a shower."

"I'll take one when I get home."

"You can't walk the streets with blood stained clothes. I'll wash them for you, so go take a shower." He opened his mouth to say something, but didn't. He turned in the direction of my bedroom and soon he disappeared within it.

Hey lovely's, I know this is a late chapter but work got ya girl stressing out. Up at the top is a general Idea of how Ji Nans apartment is laid out. I'm trying to stick to my schedule as good as possible. I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. ❤️❤️

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