Chapter Thirteen

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When we left my apartment the real walking began

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When we left my apartment the real walking began. We walked pass the local market I go to, and a park that I didn't even know was close to my house. We had been walking for what seemed like hours, but I didn't say anything. I just continued to follow him. Almost like he sensed my exhaustion, he turned and looked at me.

"We're almost there."

"Good because if I have to walk any longer I won't be able to feel my legs." After that sentence left my mouth Ba Wei came to a abrupt stop. "What is it?"

"I'll carry you."

"What?" Did I hear him wrong?

"I said I'll carry you. Hop on my back." I stared at his back for a minutes before I finally climbed on. I rested my arms on his shoulders and he started to walk not soon after. It felt kind of weird having another guy carry me, but it also felt nice to not have to walk anymore.

"Where exactly is this place you won't tell me about?"

"It's right ahead" I looked in front of us expecting to see something, but it was only trees. Confused I looked down at his head and back to the trees.

"There's nothing there but trees."

He chuckled, "it's within the trees." Hearing him make that deep sound was pleasant to hear but to feel it was equally as satisfying. It was a deep rumble that resonated within him, and like a drum the vibrations could be felt through him.

I decided to stay silent after that and soon we reached the woods. He let go of my legs and taking that as a hint; I got down.

"You'll have to walk from here. Stay close alright, it's really dark." I looked towards the woods that appeared to be pitch black. I wasn't afraid, but I wasn't thrilled about going into the woods. Who would be? I don't know if I was making a certain kind of face, but Ba Wei seemed to notice. "How about you hold my hand?"

He extended his hand, and I hesitantly took hold of it. As soon as out hands locked he pulled me into the woods. It was really dark, but I was grateful for the darkness. My face was most likely painted with a bright red, and the more I thought about our hands being enter-twinned my face would consequently grow hotter. What are you a virgin? It's just holding hands.

As he continued to pull through the woods I couldn't help but try to calm myself down. I knew that if where we were going had lights He would most likely notice. Right after I said that Ba Wei pulled me slightly forward. I stumbled forward, but before I could go Into a falling motion Ba Wei caught me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yank you that hard." Although I couldn't see the ground, my heart was still pounding. I didn't say anything and just stood back up straight. The arm that had caught me let go soon after. "We're here." I looked around for a minute to see only darkness, and I could feel the anger growing.

"Did you really make me walk this far to be in the middle of no where?" I know he could hear how irritated I was by the tone of my voice.

"Walk forward." I squinted my eyes at him but still pushed through the bushes that were in front of me. My eyes widened when I saw what was behind it. It was a pond, one that seemed to be well kept. A few lanterns hung from the branches of the trees that surrounded it, making the atmosphere warm and gentle. I was truly taken aback. I had been to many different places in my life because of my fathers business, but never a place like this. "Do you like it?" I turned towards Ba Wei and smiled. I nodded and slowly walked forward.

"Do you keep the lanterns lit?"

"Yes, I come every week to put new ones." Somehow the thought of him carrying these large lanterns through town was hilarious. Without thinking I started to laugh. "What," he asked. I could hear the confusion in his voice.

"It's just funny to think about," I laughed out. As I laughed he soon joined me.

"It's not that funny."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"Because you're laughing." Hearing that only made me laugh harder. We stood there laughing like crazy people for a few minutes before we finally got our laughter under control.

"Why exactly did you bring me here?" He walked to the edge of the pond before squatting down.

"I thought you'd enjoy it."

"Really? Is that the only reason why?" He stood up and walked back over to me.

"Yes. Actually your the first person that I've brought here."

My eyes widened, "your kidding right?"

"No." I studied his facial expression and he indeed was not lying. My face immediately started to heat up and Ba Wei immediately noticed. I went to cover my face but before I could a hand pinched my nose. This only made my face burn more. "So cute."

"Do you call all your friends cute," I asked as I covered my face with my hands.

"Nope, only you." So you do have other friends.

"Why do I feel like women have fallen prey to that sentence?"

He chuckled, "I won't say that they haven't." I couldn't help but smile.

"So you're a lady's man." I said as I nudged him, "I can't talk. I'm no better."

"So you've been with a lot of women?"

I nodded,"to put it simply." I stared at the water of the pond as memories of numerous women flooded my mind.

"So you don't have a girlfriend?"

I laughed, "hell no. Women are troublesome." I wasn't lying. Through my many one night stands with many women; most of them brought strings with them. Unnecessary strings at that. I remember once I slept with a married woman and she told her husband I came on to her. That brought me a lot of issues for no reason. I barley even remembered her, and I told her husband that exact thing.

"I agree with that." I glanced over at him, and for first time I saw pain written on that handsome face. He was silent for a long time, and I didn't dare to say anything either. "Do you actually see me as a friend?"

"Yes," I answered truthfully.

"Why, you just met me?"

"Well, I can't exactly tell you why. I just want to be your friend."

"Being friends with me comes with consequences."

I looked him in the eyes, "I'm not afraid of the consequences."

"Don't go back on your word," he said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I won't."

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