Chapter One Hundred Eleven

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"Well, she was very lenient when it came to our relationship

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"Well, she was very lenient when it came to our relationship."

"Like she was cool and didn't argue."

"No, she definitely did that. She was just weird in the sense that she didn't care who I slept with as long as she could call me hers."

"She was that type of woman. Can't say I'm a fan of those kind of women."

I let out a sigh, "can't say I was a fan either. It was okay in the beginning but as time went on I knew she was only with me because of my name and the attention it brought her."

"Damn. Was the sex not even good?"

"I mean it wasn't bad. She just didn't do anything for me. I would get her where she needed to go but have to finish myself off if you get what I'm saying."

Ba Wei was silent and just stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before his eyes snapped to mine. As I stared into them I could swear I could see a bit of anger within them. What exactly was he angry about?

"Yeah I get what you mean," was all he said.

A sigh left my mouth, "I'm pretty sure she was sleeping with Cheng De anyway so I didn't really mind the leniency."

"Cheng De...that's the second time I've heard that name." I couldn't help but mentally curse myself. Why did I even say his fucking name. "Who is he?"

"Um just someone from my past."

I watched as Ba Wei got up and positioned himself on his elbow, "you can't get out of it that easy babe. I know he's someone from your past I'm asking what he was to you in your past."

I was taken aback by that sudden hard hitting question. It wasn't like I was scared to talk about the guy I just would rather not, but what could it hurt. It's not like he can hurt me anymore than he already has anyway.

"Well, I guess you could've called him a friend even though looking back at it he wasn't much of one."

"Hmm. Never was a fan of fake friends."

"Neither am I."

"How'd you meet him?"

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, "at my old school. It had been about a month since my parents split. One day he just walked up to me with a huge smile on his face and introduced himself and thus our friendship began or I should rather call it our codependency."'

"Codependent? You," he asked shocked? "I'm sorry if I sound shocked but you don't strike me as the codependent type."

A small chuckle left my lips, "yeah. I was bit naive back then."

I looked over at Ba Wei to see that he was still looking at me. I raised an eyebrow because I couldn't decipher the look on his face. It was neither cold nor warm it was somewhere in between and his eyes were dull.

"Why are you giving me a look like that?"

He stared for a few more minutes, "come here." I watched as he lifted his arm. Confused I just stared at him and he sighed.  "I want to comfort you a bit so scoot over to me."

I didn't ask any questions and just did what he asked. When I was in the position he wanted me in he laid that arms gently across my body. My face was like lava because of how close we were. I could practically hear his heart beat from where I was.

"Why would you use the word codependent to describe your friendship," he asked as he relaxed a big against me.

I cleared my throat, "well because through our entire friendship we used each other. I used him to fill the void of family and..."

"And what," Ba Wei asked softly?

"And he he used me to pay his bills."


I could hear the sudden anger in Ba Weis voice, and I couldn't necessarily blame him. Anyone would have that reaction to hearing such a thing. It's something that makes the blood boil even mine.

"I know, fucked up right," I said with a small laugh. "Even from the moment I met him I knew that he only approached me for the money I had access too and yet I still let him get close to me because I wanted someone to fill the void that was left from my deteriorating home."

"Ji Nan-"

"It's pathetic I know," I said cutting him off. "He's one of the reason I asked my father to move here. I wanted to get away from him."

"Huh why?"

I looked up at Ba Wei, "in truth Ba Wei I was scared of him and scared of what he could do to me if I didn't leave. It's not like I was a saint but that guy liked violence and after what he made me do the last time I knew I just had to leave."

Without saying anything Ba Wei pushed my head into his chest. Confused I try to push away but he won't budge. Without any other option I just had to ask.

"Why did you-"

"I made you relive something that you didn't want too." He kissed the top of my head, "I'm sorry."

I didn't think my face could get any redder but just from that little gesture I felt like I was practically on fire. Instead of trying to get loose from his grip I just buried my head deeper and tried my best to hide.

I was expecting Ba Wei to try to tease me but he didn't. He just held me tight and if I'm being completely honest it was nice. His body was warm and the steady rhythm of his heart beat made me relax even more. Soon I found myself drifting off to sleep. Just when I was about to fall asleep Ba Wei started to speak.

"I don't know the guy but you can find security in the fact that I will never let him or anyone else make you anything less than happy ever again."

I just nodded my head against his chest and without thinking placed a kiss on it. I would have had an intense reaction to doing such a thing but I was too tired. I felt Ba Weis arms around me tighten and that was all it took for me to fall asleep.

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