Chapter Twelve

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After that brief conversation with Ba Wei at lunch, I didn't hear from him again

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After that brief conversation with Ba Wei at lunch, I didn't hear from him again. He seemed pretty angry when he left, but I still didn't  know exactly why. All I said was that I wanted to get to know him and he blew up. Him denying me from getting to know him only makes me want to know him more. I'm not like other people.

I had hoped he would send me a text sometime through the day; but he didn't. Through out the day I would check my phone thinking that I received a message, but in the end I was just delusional.

It was now the end of the last class of the day, and I sat there looking down at my phone. I stared at me and Ba Wei's chat trying to decide if I wanted to send a text to him. I looked up from my phone briefly only to meet the eyes of Yaling. She shifted her eyes almost immediately. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to my phone.

I tapped the text box at the bottom of the chat, but my fingers wouldn't move. The more I thought about actually texting him, the more I wanted to just cut off my phone. Why am I acting like this? It's not like I did anything wrong here. In the end, I decided to just send him a quick message.

Me: are you mad?

As I waited for a response class ended. I let out a sigh and stood up. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and grabbed my bag. The tutoring session is going to be really awkward today.

I walked out the classroom to see most of the students still there. It was very unusual because they should've been gone by now. I noticed that most of them were looking behind me. I turned around and my eyes widened.

"Ba Wei, What are you doing here," I asked as he pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against. His face appeared to be even colder than usual. I met his eyes, and they were dead. No emotion showed within them. It sent shivers down my spine. His eyes had never been like that since I met him.

Without saying a word, he walked right pass me. What the hell. "HEY," I yelled as I jogged to catch up with him?

He glanced over at me, "I didn't want to talk back there." I looked behind me confused. I didn't understand, there wasn't a reason why he couldn't have answered me back there.

"Why?" He was silent for a moment before he answered. He again glanced at me and for the first time I heard him sigh.

"I don't like the stares."

"I hadn't noticed," I said softly, "I'm sorry." I don't know why I apologized but I felt the need to. I thought back to the incident on the roof and I was just about to apologize for that when he began to speak.

" I came to apologize."


"The reason I came to your classroom is because I wanted to apologize to you."

"For what?" I actually was very confused. I should be the one apologizing even if I wouldn't stop trying to get to know him.

"I snapped at you. I shouldn't have." I stopped walking and so did he.

"No, I should apologize. I did overstep."

He shook his head, "you didn't. I just wasn't in a the best of moods then." His face was still stern and it seemed like he was telling the honest truth about it.

"Well, I accept your apology. So let's pretend it didn't happen."

"Alright," he responded lightly.

"Let's knock this  tutoring session out quick," I said as we began walking again.

"Why? Hate me already?"

I smiled, "no, just don't want to be tired tomorrow."



The tutoring session went good. He struggled with some of the literature, but besides that it went smoothly. We had just finished packing all our stuff up when Ba Wei's phone rung. I watched silently as he answered it.

As soon as he answered the call, his expressions appeared more. They weren't good ones either. His voice was very calm as he spoke, but I could tell thy who ever was on that phone; he didn't like at all. Soon he hung up the call and he immediately looked at me.

"What," I asked?

"Nothing. Let's go." Since when did we start walking out together? I guess today. I followed him out the door and we began our journey to the exit.

"Hey, um, are you planning on being busy when you get home?" That was a very unusual way of wording that question.

"No, I'm most likely going to head to bed when I get there. Why?"

He kept his eyes straight ahead and said, " I want you to come somewhere with me."

"Ah, really?" I couldn't help but have that reaction since I didn't see it coming. I was truly surprised.

"Yeah, but only if you want to." Is that nervousness in his voice? I wanted to laugh at this big guys way of handling this, but I'm sure if I did it would cause him to react negatively. How cute.

"No I'll go. I don't want to carry my bag all the way there, so how about we drop our  stuff off at my house?"


After he agreed, we started walking in the direction of my house once we exited the school. It wouldn't take long at all to get there, but I took this time to try to figure out where he was going to be taking me.

"Will we have to cab there?"

"We could, but I'd rather walk." I mouthed an ok and continued my line of questioning.

"It has to be close by, so is it a park?" I looked at the side of Ba Wei's face waiting for an answer.

"You'll see."

I smacked my lips, "oh come on, that's not fair." He turned to me with a small smirk on his face.

"Why would I ruin the surprise?" My face instantly began to heat up and I sped up my walking. Why did he look at me like that? Wait, why am I reacting like this? I was still questioning myself when a hand clasped around my wrist.

"Slow down, you're gonna leave me in the dust." My face became even more red, but I still slowed down. We silently walked beside each other until we finally reached my apartment building. We walked up the stairs and not soon after we came to my apartment door. I unlocked the door and dropped my bag in, and turned to Ba Wei with my hand out.

"Give me your bag." He did as I asked, and I dropped it right next to mine and closed the door. "Let's get going," I said with a bit of excitement in my voice."

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