Chapter One Hundred Fourteen

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"A dinner?"

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"A dinner?"

"Yeah. Don't worry usually my father hires chefs so the food will be good," Ba Wei said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Thats not the reason I'm worried. Why do I have to go again?"

"Well because you don't have a choice. It's tradition to all gather and welcome the new member of the family."

I followed behind him into his room and watched as he pulled out clothes to wear. I was getting slightly annoyed because for one he told me about the dinner after we got through with the tutoring session. Sure Kang Wu said something about it but still. I wouldn't have had an issue if he didn't force me to get ready. I was happy that I packed a somewhat presentable outfit or I'd have to borrow his clothes and that would have been embarrassing. Now that he had watched me get ready he was now rushing to get ready because apparently we had to be there at a certain time. He seemed very calm about it but as the time ticked down he seemed to get more anxious. This is going to be so awkward.

"Alright," he said as he slipped socks on, "how do I look?"

I ran a hand through my hair, "You look great..." I looked down at the floor and lowered my voice, "you always do." I looked back up to see Ba Wei smiling at me. I shifted my eyes and I heard a chuckle leave him.

"You know," He got up from the bed and walked over to me, "you can compliment me without feeling shy about it." I tried to push him back but he didn't budge. Instead his hands went to my waist and then to my ass.


He didn't say anything and even started to squeeze. I wanted so bad to hate that sensation but I didn't hate it necessarily. It was a weird feeling but not a bad one. He leaned down to my neck and started placing kisses on it. I wanted to push him away but the strength in my arms had completely left.

"I'll stop for now," he stepped back from me, "but I can't promise anything later."

I stared at him for a few seconds before I cleared my throat, "okay."

He grabbed my hand and started to pull me out of the room. I didn't fight it and just let him pull me. To be honest I was more focused on calming myself down from whatever that was a second ago. I didn't know how to process it because it truly was out of nowhere. I get that he's touchy but at this point I just think he likes to fuck with me.

He let go of my hand and slipped into his shoes and I did the same. He opened the door and walked out and I followed behind. When I walked out I immediately was hit with the smell of food. It smelt delicious and judging by how Ba Wei began to walk down the stairs he thought so too.

I tried my best to stay closely behind him but when he hit the ground floor he seemed to speed up. I could barely keep up so I reached out and grabbed the sleeve of his shirt. He stopped walking and looked back at me confused.

I cocked a slight smile, "slow down a bit. You're about to leave me behind."

"Sorry. It's just that if we don't hurry we're going to be late and my fathers going to throw a fit."

I motioned for him to continue walking, "a fit?"

He nodded and pushed open a pair of double doors, "he's a literal child about these things."

I nodded and looked around and noticed that there were a decent amount of people in the room we just entered and all of them seemed to be staring. I studied some of their faces but didn't recognize any of them. I thought I would since Ba Wei said his father and mine had done business together before but I guess he never let them around.

"So you made it in time," Kang Wu said as he walked up to Ba Wei.

"Yeah of course. Wouldn't want dad to cause a scene."

They both laughed and I couldn't help but feel out of place. Not only were there too many people for my liking but they all seemed to have a staring problem. I was trying so hard to hide my dislike of the situation but I know it was showing on my face.

"What up with your guy? He looks angry?"

Upon hearing Kang Wu ask that question my eyes locked with his. I was in no way shape or form in a bad mood but I just didn't want to be here. The stares, the small whispers I could hear weren't my thing. Dinner parties were never my thing.

"Hey," Ba Wei grabbed my hand but I ripped it away. He seemed stunned by this. I shifted my eyes from Kang Wus to his. I could see the confusion in his stare and I tried my best to signal a apology. In truth I didn't mean to snatch my hand like that. I just didn't want him to grab it. It would just cause more stares and more whispers. God knows what the people in this room were saying about him.

"Why," he called again. "Calm down a bit." He motioned for me to come closer to him and I sighed and stepped a bit closer to him. "The people are going to stare and whisper. It's best to just ignore them. Okay?"

I only nodded in response, and without thinking I grabbed his hand. He didn't react how I did but he instead intertwined our fingers. He's right but if only he knew that I just didn't want them to talk badly about him.

"It looks like everyone's here," a familiar deep voice said. I looked behind Kang Wu and just as I thought Ba Weis father stood at a set of doors at the far end of the room. "Well," A smile spread across his emotionless face, "let's eat."

Kang Wu looked at me then Ba Wei, "let's hope this goes well."

I watched as the dozen so people started to make their way to the door that Ba Weis father was at. I guess the dining room had to be through there. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Deep down under all these emotions its there, and no it's not a good feeling. I have a bad feeling.

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