Chapter Eighty-Six

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It was around seven when Ba Wei began to walk me home

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It was around seven when Ba Wei began to walk me home. He had said he would take me home later but he has something to do. I wanted to ask if I could tag along but I didn't want to be a bother.

The streets were a bit more lively than I thought they would be but then again it was almost the weekend. It was a bit noisy but it didn't seem to bother me that much. Maybe it was because I was in a good mood because of the guy walking beside me.

After he said such heavy words earlier I thought he would push a serious subject but he didn't. He instead started to talk about what he wanted to do tomorrow. He went through multiple options but none involved me. It's not like I was expecting for him to want to hangout or anything but I thought he would at least suggest it. Since then it hadn't left my mind, and even right now on my walk home it still occupied my mind.

"What are you going to do when you get him," he asked pulling me from my thoughts?

"Probably just go to bed if my fathers not there."

"And if he is?"

I sighed, "probably going to have to raise my voice all night."

"Will he be that upset about you being suspended? I mean it's not like it's your fault."

"It doesn't matter if it was my fault or not. In my fathers eyes I'm wasting his money."

My words were cold as they past through my lips. I wasn't mad but as we drew closer to my apartment complex I definitely was getting annoyed.

"Well you can call me if things get too heated."

A smile spread across my face, "thanks."

He reached out and ruffled my hair, "no problem."

I looked over at him and just stared for a few minutes. As My eyes scanned him my eyes came to rest on his hand. I wanted to reach out and grab it but I didn't want to make him feel
uncomfortable. I sighed and looked back ahead of me at the slightly crowded street.

"It's busy tonight isn't it?"

Ba Wei didn't say anything and instead he grabbed my hand. My head snapped in his direction as he intertwined our fingers. I could feel the heat that was covering my cheeks.

"Yeah. Usually around this time it's a bit empty. I guess people have a lot to do before tomorrow."

"Yeah," I said as a smirk inched its way onto my lips.


When we made it to my apartment complex Ba Weis grip on my hand tightened. I looked over at him but still his face was as expressionless as it came. I wonder if I can get a reaction out of him. I squeezed his hand slightly as we came to a stop by the stairs and that seemed to get his attention. As our eyes met he let go of my hand and I couldn't help but feel a bit sad.

"Remember if you need to get away just call me. I'll answer."

I nodded, "yeah I know but..."

He cocked an eyebrow, "but what?"

"What if I just want to call you for the hell of it."

A smile spread across his face, "I'll still answer, and if I don't I'll call you back when I can."

I shifted my eyes and nodded. I glanced back at the stairs and couldn't help the sigh that left me. I didn't want to walk up those stairs. I knew that my father was waiting and I knew he had received a phone call. I'm not in the mood to argue but I knew as soon as I walked through the door it would cause one.

"I guess I'll see you later," I said turning around. I was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. "Wh-"

I didn't get to finish that sentence before Ba Weis lips pressed against mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back and he seemed to like that. He slowly pulled back and laid his forehead against mine.

"Call me okay." I nodded even though I didn't hear anything he said. "Even if nothing happens. Just call me."

I lifted my eyes so that they were meeting his, "okay. I'll call. Just don't kiss me so suddenly."

He stepped back away from me, "why? Did you not like it."

Heat rushed to my face, "that's not the issue here."

He laughed, "so you did like it?"

"Leave," I said as a smile spread across my face.

"Give me a kiss and I'll go." I raised an eyebrow at him. The audacity of this guy.

"You just got a kiss-"

"No, you, just got a kiss," he said cutting me off.

I honestly didn't know what to say because in a way he was right. I would never admit it to him but I had a feeling he already knew what I was thinking.

"I hate you," I said low.

"Do y-"

Before he could finish his sentence I kissed him. This seemed to surprise him but he didn't  hesitate to kiss me back. I pulled back and turned and started running up the stairs.


I didn't look back and made my way to my apartment. When I got to the front door my phone dinged. I pulled it out of my pocket to see a message from Ba Wei.

Ba Wei: you're gonna regret that

Although I could tell it was threat I knew for a fact that the punishment most likely wouldn't be painful. So it just sounded like a empty threat.

Me: am I?

I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and unlocked the front door. As soon as I pushed the door open the smell of food hit my nose. I let out a sigh and let the close behind me. I slipped out of my shoes, and tried to go to my room. Keyword there is tried. As soon as my bare feet hit the tile floor my fathers voice rang through the apartment.

"I see you've made it home."

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