Chapter Nineteen

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I was relieved when I saw none of the blood transferred to the couch

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I was relieved when I saw none of the blood transferred to the couch. I flopped down on it and listened as the shower began to run. After a few minutes of sitting there I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes only to get no answer. I knocked again, and it was the same.

Reluctantly, I opened the door and slowly entered. It was really quiet in the bathroom. Other than the shower running, there wasn't any other noise. I looked down to see Ba Wei's bloody clothes. Without saying a word, I picked them up and left the bathroom.

When the bathroom door clicked behind me, relief spread across my body. I don't know why I was tense, but I was. Was I scared? If so, of what? I shrugged it off, and went to put the clothes in the washing machine.

I stuffed them down into it the washing machine, and started it. I walked back into the living room, and my mind went immediately to what he would wear. I walked into my bedroom, and opened my closet. I didn't feel like looking for anything new for him to wear, so I just picked up the clothes he wore before.

When I walked out of my room with the clothes in my hand I noticed a particular silence. The shower stopped running, and as I lifted my eyes I took in a sharp breath.  Ba Wei stood in front of me with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He was rubbing his hair with a towel. I sat the clothes down on a small table beside me, and only then did he notice me.

"Happy now," he asked as he started to walk towards me? I wanted to answer but nothing left my mouth. My eyes scanned his body and the one thing that stood out to me was the massive amount of bruises that covered his abdomen. Without thinking I reached my hand out and touched a particular big one right on his waist. As our skin made contact I heard a slight halt in Ba Wei's breathing.

"How did you get these?" Ba Wei grabbed my hand and stepped back a little.

"They don't hurt."

"I didn't ask you that."

"I know what you asked me. I gave you an answer." His voice was cold, and because of that, I didn't want to pry anymore. I kept my mouth shut and just grabbed the clothes from the table. He looked down at them, and without muttering a word he took them. He walked pass me and went into my room.

Usually I would get mad if someone spoke to me in such a rude manner, so why wasn't I mad now? I pushed the thought in back of my head and walked over to the couch and sat down. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and glanced at it. Again no messages from my father. He's probably just busy.

Even though I told myself that, I still worried. Just as I was about to send him a text the door to my room opened. I glanced back at Ba Wei and our eyes met. I shift my eyes immediately, and stood up.

"Would you like something to eat?"

"Sure." His tone was cold. Did I upset him? I got up and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and fixed some of the ramen soup I had made. I sat it down on the counter and he walked over and took a seat. I handed him some chopsticks and he immediately began to eat. "When did you cook this?"

"A bit before you came. Why? Is it bad?"

"No," he said quickly, "it's good."  A smile spread across my face as I heard those words.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." As those words left my mouth I remembered that his homework was in my bag. I walked over to the door and opened my bag. I pulled out three workbooks and walked back over and sat them beside him. "That's all your homework."

"You actually collected it," he said surprised, "I thought you were kidding."

"I don't kid. You should be more responsible, if you're grades suffer even more while I'm tutoring you; both of our reputations will suffer."

Ba Wei chuckled to my surprise, "I am responsible. I usually only skip the beginning of class."

"You shouldn't skip any class," I shot back. He looked up at me and for the first time I fully heard him laugh. It was a nice sound, and the smile on his face fit him well. How can someone get even more handsome just by laughing?

"I'll try not to skip it anymore." He started back eating, so I took the opportunity to ask something else of him.

"You should try not to get into fights also." I watched as he stopped eating and the once relaxed appearance became stern again.

"I don't get into fights on purpose."

"I didn't say you did. I just am suggesting that you try to avoid it."

He slurped more noodles into his mouth, and with a full mouth he said, " I usually can't avoid them." The tone of his voice was different this time. It held a familiar ache to it.

"If you can't avoid them, then I guess I can't ask you to try." I pushed my hair behind my ears, and sat down across from him.

"Are you angry," he asked suddenly?

"No, sometimes fighting is necessary. Why would you think I'd be angry?"

"Most people are when I tell them I can't avoid conflict."

"I'm your friend remember, I won't dislike you because of a simple fight. I just don't like seeing you beat up." As those words left my mouth I wished I could take them back. My face began to heat up and a chuckle came from in front of me.

"Thanks for caring about me." I stared at him for a few minutes, and that same unfamiliar feeling from before resurfaced.

"No problem."

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