Chapter Eighty-Four

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"You don't want to finish the movie?"

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"You don't want to finish the movie?"

"No. Why would I?" I scratched the back of my head and glanced at the large screen.

"You wanted to watch it."

He stared at me for a minute, "yeah but you don't like it so I'll just watch it later."

I didn't say anything to that because to be honest I didn't know how to answer. It made me happy that he was being considerate of me but at the same time I didn't want him to not do things he wanted just because he wanted me to enjoy myself.

"No, it's fine. We can just finish it."

"I said it's fine so just pick something else you want to do."

"I want to finish the movie."

Ba Wei sighed, "look I won't enjoy watching it if you're not into it. I can watch it some other time."


"I don't mind doing something else, "he pushed my hair behind my ear, "if it makes you more comfortable."

His stare was intense as he said those words and I couldn't help but shift my eyes. I wanted to object and insist we watch the movie but I knew he wouldn't listen. It would be better to drop the subject and just move on.

"So what do you want to do?"

Honestly I didn't know. Even with the extra time he had given me to think about it I wasted it. I knew I didn't want to leave this building, but just standing around not doing anything would spoil the atmosphere.

"Can we put on a movie in the background and maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

I cleared my throat, "and maybe talk?"

When I looked up at Ba Weis face a very bright smile was plastered onto it. To be honest as he moved around and said things I didn't hear him. I was more concerned that I just basically had opened myself up to him asking questions.

What if he asks a question that I can't answer? Better yet, what if he asks something that is embarrassing. All of these thought rushed through my mind and I was only snapped back into reality by Ba Wei calling my name.


"Ah there you are. I was getting scared I already broke you."

A chuckle left my mouth, "I'm fine. Just zoned out."

He didn't say anything and just looked down at the watch on his arm. It didn't look that expensive but it looked like it wasn't cheap either.

"How are you gonna change the movie," I asked looking back at the horror movie that was still playing?

"Oh I can change it from my phone." He pulled out his phone, "is there a particular one you want to watch?"

"No, as long as it's not like this one."

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