Chapter One Hundred Thirteen

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I sat there in confusion as Ba Weis father left

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I sat there in confusion as Ba Weis father left. I scratched the back of my neck and looked over at Ba Wei to see that he was oddly calm. I guess he noticed my confusion because he started to laugh.

"What are you laughing at," I asked annoyed?

He leaned down close to my face  and just inches from my lips he said, "how cute your face was just then."

I pushed him back, "fuck off."

I went back to eating what he gave me focusing entirely on that when I felt him grip my hair. He pulled my head back and before I could even react he smashed his lips against mine. My eyes widened in surprise but I still kissed him back. I opened my mouth a bit to take in air and he took that as an opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. I felt hopeless in this situation because he had control over the kiss and for once in my life I had found someone who was a better kisser than me.

After a few more seconds he finally pulled back and without a word he let his hand slip from my hair and walked over to the sink. I sat there blushing just looking at his back when I realized that Kang Wu was still here. I looked over where I last saw him to see him just staring at me. I immediately shifted my eyes and pushed the food that was in front of me away. I wasn't hungry anymore. I mean how could I be after what just happened. With all the embarrassment that was pumping through me I'm surprised I still knew how to breathe.

"I got it," Kang Wu said suddenly. 

"Got what exactly?"

Kang Wu completely ignored me, "you know what's about to happen once word gets out."

Ba Wei was silent for a few minutes, " yeah I know."

I watched as Kang Wu turned and started to leave. He seemed more serious than he had been before Ba Weis father came. Was it something I did that maybe made him switch off the fun personality. Then again it could just be that his boss was just in the room. What the hell is going on?

"Make sure to not be late for the dinner. It's tradition."

Ba Wei only nodded and with that Kang Wu left and I had more question that could be answered. I turned to Ba Wei to see that he was leaning against the countertop and had his head in hands.

"Hey, what is he talking about? What dinner?"

Ba Wei didn't lift his head and didn't respond me either. I raised an eyebrow at this and got up from where I was sitting. I walked over to him slowly until I was standing directly in front of him. A sigh left his mouth and he looked up at me. He reached out a hand and grabbed mine. I wasn't going to protest anything he did because he seemed upset about something.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

I nodded, "yeah. I also want to know what  just happened in general. What did you just tell your father exactly."

He tugged on my hand and pulled me closer to him. When I was close enough he let go and just wrapped his arms around me. I relaxed in his embrace and I guess he felt it because he started to plant kisses on my neck.

"I don't really know how to explain what I just told my father without it sounding a bit weird."

"I'm all ears."

"Well," he sighed, "I told my father to look after you just as he does me. In that sentence I proposed that he consider you part of the family." The room fell into the silence and when it finally clicked on what he just said my heart felt like it skipped a beat. "I should have talked to you about it before hand but I can't now."


"Well, because I asked him to look after you he will force Kang Wu to look after you too."

I pulled out the hug, "so that's what Kang Wu actually does. I always wondered why he seemed to not like me."

Ba Wei let out a laugh, "Kang Wu is like that with anyone new around me. Don't take it personally."

I ran a hand through my hair, " I don't. It's that he just really doesn't seem to like me. Not that I care much but even when you kissed me just then he stared at me."

"You're worrying to much. He's going to stare at you like that because I just threatened my father that if anything happens to you in or out of his territory I would beat his ass."

"You did what," I asked surprised?

"I didn't mention that did I," he said laughing. "That's basically what that was."

"He seemed to take that threat well."

"It's because my father knows that if it ever came to that one of us would lose our life that day."

I just stared at him in disbelief. How could he even say that with no emotions on his face like that. It was as if he didn't even fear the threat of dying. It alarmed me at how nonchalant he was about it, but at the same time I was flattered.

"Do you really care about me that much? I mean we haven't even made anything official and-"

"Listen," he said cutting me off, "there will be no one that will treasure you the way that I always will. Titles aren't something I need but you are mine."

His voice was cold and his stare was heavy. I could tell that he meant everything that had come from his lips. I shifted my eyes and looked down. In truth being told something so bold made the butterflies in my stomach began to flutter. I hadn't felt like this with anyone before and it was slightly terrifying. How could I put my trust in him when everyone around me kept letting me down. What if he uses me and then throws me away?

"Hey," Ba Wei said pulling me from my thoughts. I watched as he walked up to me, "What's wrong?"

I cleared my throat, "nothing."

"Don't lie to me. Tell me."

I sighed, "you're doing all of this for me but what if this doesn't last long. What if you get tired of me or something."

He was silent and just stared at me. I knew it. He can't answer those questions. I should've known that he wouldn't want anything long term. Why did I even get my hopes up?

"Ji Nan. Why would you ever think I would get tired of you?"

I pushed my hair out of my face, "well I have a lot of baggage and there's shit that I haven't even told you about completely. I'm selfish, I don't know how to process emotions correctly."

He didn't say anything and just walked closer to me. I started to back up but when my back hit the edge of the island I knew that I couldn't avoid the closeness anymore. He leaned down and placed his forehead on mine.

"It's true that those are some things that I have noticed about you but they are also the things that drew me too you. I don't mind you being selfish because I want to spoil you and being able to watch you emotionally not comprehend some things is cute."


"There's not one inch of you that I don't like. It's been months and that feeling I get when I see you has not left."

I raised an eyebrow, "what kind of feeling?"

He chucked, "the feeling of wanting to treasure you."

It was definitely an issue that this guy was such a smooth talker. I feel like even if I wanted to put distance between us he wouldn't let me. I don't think I could even put distance between us if I tried anyway. I reached out and grabbed his hand and squeezed it a bit before I looked up and met his eyes.

A smile spread across my face, "well you better treasure me then because I'll be in your care from now on."

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