Chapter One Hundred Forty Six

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I didn't even know how to respond to that question so I just stayed quiet

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I didn't even know how to respond to that question so I just stayed quiet. I could feel Ba Weis eyes on me and I made sure to keep my eyes on the floor. Ba Wei leaned forward and pressed a floor number, and this made me look up. I was surprised that it was the correct floor, but as I shifted my eyes Ba Weis eyes met mine.

"So," he started, "are you going to answer my question?"

I shifted my eyes, "I don't know how to answer it."

"What do you mean?"

I looked up at him just as the elevator dinged, "there's too many to count,"

I didn't give him a chance to answer and walked out of the elevator. I quickly walked until I found the room and started to open the door. As soon as I twisted the door knob I felt a hand go under my shirt.


"I don't like that answer." Ba Wei leaned down and kissed my neck,

"Wait until we get inside."

"You're the one still standing at the door."

After hearing that  sentence I pushed the door open and walked inside. When I did this the hand that was on my waist fell and I couldn't help but take a deep breath. I dropped my bag and m slid off my shoes just as Ba Wei closed the door. I was about to walk forward when arms went around me.


"You said wait until we're inside." I felt a kiss on my neck, "we're inside now."

Before I could even say anything a hand slid into my my waistband. I took a deep breath as he continued to kiss my neck. I was about to say something when his teeth sunk slightly i to my flesh. Shudders erupted across my skin and my knees went slightly weak.

"Did that feel good," Ba Wei said close to my ear. I couldn't even say anything in response so I just nodded my head. He let out a chuckle and to my surprise he removed the hand that was in my waist band.


"I didn't think you were one to like pain."

My face turned a vibrant shade of red, "um, I-"

He kissed the side of my face," that wasn't a question."

He removed himself from my body and slid out his shoes. I stood there dazed at what just happened. I took a deep breath and ran my hand over the back of my neck. There was a slight indent in my skin from where he had bit down. It didn't sting so he hadn't broken skin but even I was surprised that I liked the sensation that came from him doing that.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and walked into the room. It wasn't really anything special. It looks the same as all the other rooms I was in. Ba Wei was sitting on the bed swiping through his phone.

I cleared my throat, "what are you looking at?"

He glanced up at me, "I'm just looking at the food spots nearby."

"Oh, are you hungry?"

"Just a bit," he held out his hand, "are you?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand and saw down beside him. He intertwined our fingers and leaned his body into mine.

"This small restaurant is nearby I can go grab something from there."

"If it's not too far away then go ahead."

Ba Wei chuckled, "what do you mean by that? Are you going to miss me that much?"

I looked him in the eyes and just simply nodded. Before I could even shift my eyes he kissed me. He laid his forehead against mine and took in a deep breath.

"You're going to kill me being that cute."

"Really? I thought you'd die of jealousy a few minutes ago."

He sucked his teeth and sat up straight, "I'm not jealous."

"Really? So you asking how many women I've brought here wasn't you being jealous?"

He stood up, "no. That was just me comparing."


"Let's just say I can't let you show me up pretty boy."

I was a bit stunned as what he was implying. I couldn't help but to laugh. Was he serious. Like sure I took a lot of women to bed but damn it couldn't be more than him right. Not that I was to compare but just thinking about it was humorous.

"Are you serious," I said in between my wheezing?

"Yeah. I want to know just how many people got to have you the way I will."

"Is it really that important?"

"Not at all. I'd just like to think what those women would think of you now." 

I ran a hand through my hair and smirked, "they'd probably just want to have a threesome if they saw you."

Ba Wei seemed to not like that sentence because he leaned against a wall and just stared at me. He stared so long that it started to make me uncomfortable.

"Why are you just staring?"

"Do you really think they would want that?"

Confused on why he was focusing so hard on that I said, "yeah. They were mostly women from clubs minus the girlfriend I had at the time."

"Well that'll be too hard, " he said as he walked over to the door. "I don't share."

I barely heard that last part but I'm glad I did because for some reason I found it cute. I watched from the bed as he slid back in his shoes.

"Good. I don't either."

Ba Wei didn't say anything and just smirked. I got up from the bed and walked over to him. I reached up and pushed his bangs out of his face.

"I know the stall you're about to go too. Tell him that Xiao Nan says hi. He'll understand."

"Alright. If he has any funny stories a lot you I can't promise I won't stay and listen."

I chuckled, "go ahead, it's a lot though." I leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Hurry back okay."


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