Chapter One Hundred Thirty

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After Kang Wu I was left feeling a bit uneasy

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After Kang Wu I was left feeling a bit uneasy. In truth I didn't want to threaten the guy but he obviously wanted to get a reaction out of me after bringing up the dead body. It was a dick move coming from him. Why did he even look into me? Cheng De and his guys stabbed him on their first meeting and when he sees him again he decides to chat with him instead of beating his ass. Weird response from the guy.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and checked the time. It was almost four in the morning. At this rate I'll have to skip school and probably hear my fathers mouth again. I let out a sigh and walked over to the couch where Ba Wei was sleeping. I stared at his sleeping face for a minute before I leaned down and pushed his bangs slightly out of his face. How can a guy with your attitude be so cute?

I slid down to the floor right in front of the chair and pulled my knees to my chest. If I'm being honest even if I laid down I wouldn't be able to sleep because he's in a state like this. If it wasn't him I wouldn't care, but seeing him in pain didn't sit right with me. I let out a sigh and laid my head on my arms. I let my mind go over everything that was currently happening. The biggest had to be Cheng De. Not only did he cause a scene at Ba Weis fathers house but he also had fed Kang Wu some information. I knew that he was going to cause trouble but I didn't think it would be this early. I would've thought he would forgotten about me after all this time but I guess not. He was rather a obsessive person when it came to people in his life. I noticed that when It came to his many girlfriends he kept around. At this point I'm starting to think he'll never leave me alone.

Other than him being a pain in the ass there was also the issue of whoever sent me that letter packaged with my father being attacked. How am I supposed to focus on midterms with all this shit going on. Hell, if I was up to my old habits I would've already picked up a bottle. It's a trait I got from my father sadly. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and just tried to focus on falling asleep. It wouldn't be the most comfortable but even a nap would suffice after the night I've had.

I don't know how long I was sleep for but when I woke up it was still slightly dark outside. Didn't get enough sleep at all. I yawned and looked at the couch behind me to see that the guy that was laid on it was no where to be found. I quickly got to my feet and walked into my bedroom but he wasn't there. He definitely wasn't in the kitchen, so he had to be in the laundry room or the bathroom or he left. I quickly checked the laundry room to find nothing, but as I approached the bathroom door I heard a few noses coming from it. I let out a relived sigh and called out to him.

"Ba Wei are you okay?" It was silent, "um, I'm coming in okay."

I didn't give another thought before I walked into the bathroom but stopped in my tracks soon after. Blood, not a lot but there was enough. I followed the blood to the boy that currently was leaning against the bathroom sink. He had his hand over the bandage that I was visibly over used now. As I made it to his face I noticed that he was staring at me. His eyes were dark and his stare was intimidating but for the first time I could read those eyes. He was in pain.

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