Chapter Sixty-Nine

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The ride to my house was a quiet one, but even though Ba Wei didn't say anything he sure was touchy

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The ride to my house was a quiet one, but even though Ba Wei didn't say anything he sure was touchy. I don't know if he did this on purpose or what but he would constantly put a hand on my upper thigh. This wasn't the issue, the issue was that that  hand would make its way up to my crotch.

I wouldn't have minded so much if Kang Wu wasn't in the car, but every time he would do it and I would move his hand I would look up to see that mans eyes on me. It creeped me out, but I don't think Ba Wei even noticed.

"Keep your hands to yourself."

A smile made its way onto Ba Weis face, "Why?"

As he asked that the hand that he had on my thigh once again began to slide up. Before he could reach my crotch I once again grabbed his hand and unlike the times before I didn't let go. I enter-twinned our fingers and just sighed. I heard a chuckle from beside me.

"You're not playing fair you know."

I didn't say anything and just looked over at him. To my surprise he wasn't looking at me he was looking straight foreword in the direction of Kang Wu. I followed his gaze but when I did I found that Kang Wu was focusing on the road. That's strange.

I shrugged it off, "I don't play fair."

Neither of us said anything after that,and even when we made it to my apartment we didn't say anything to each other. I got out of the car walked toward my building. I stopped at the stair case and looked back to see Ba Wei talking to Kang Wu. I wonder what they're talking about. I would imagine it would be what time to come get him, but I doubt Ba Wei would give him a certain time. I don't even know what time he was leaving.

Ba Wei stood there talking to Kang Wu for about two minutes before the car pulled off. I watched as Ba Wei started walking towards me. Even from where I was standing I could see that his demeanor was quite cold. I raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of his mood.

When he was a good bit close to me I turned and started to climb the stairs. As I climbed them I would glance behind me to see Ba Wei's expressionless face. I couldn't help but wonder what exactly him and Kang Wu spoke about because it made his mood even worse than when we were at school. I sighed and just focused on getting to my apartment.

When I got to my front door I was about to take out my key to open it when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"What are you doing?"

He didn't say anything and instead pushed his body against mine. My face turned beet red almost in a instance. It wasn't because of the position it was more because of what was pressed against me because of their position.

"Open the door."

His voice was very calm and because he was right next to my ear almost made my legs weak. I'm not that sensitive sexually, but I have certain spots that are more sensitive than others such as my ears. No one has ever noticed, but somehow I think Ba Wei has.

I took a deep breath I dug into my pocket for my key and when I found it I calmly opened the door. To my surprise Ba Wei let go of me after the door came open. I was somewhat relieved but at the same time I was afraid.

I knew what he wanted, but I didn't know to what extent. The furthest we've ever gone was just jerking off, and it was only me that time who came. As I thought about all these things I began to feel somewhat nervous. Of course I didn't let it show but I still was.

I walked into my apartment and took off my shoes and sat my bag down. I ran a hand through my hair and walked into the kitchen. I went to the fridge and opened it. I was actually somewhat surprised to see that I had food in it.

"Hey are you hungry," I asked as I looked back at him?

He was standing by the island just staring at me. His face was expressionless, but as I moved around slightly I noticed that his eyes would follow me.

"I'm fine, but if you're hungry you can eat something."

I closed the fridge, "no I'm okay."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything in return. I leaned back against the counter top and just stared at him. I would've thought he would've looked away from me but he didn't. I watched as he looked me up and down until our eyes met again.

"Come here."

His voice was firmer than the other times we had talked. It took me by surprise, but even though I was taken aback I still made my way over to him. When I came to stand in front of him a small smile spread across his face.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing in particular," he said as his arms made their way around my waist.

I was expecting him to say more but he didn't instead he just pulled me into an embrace. He laid his head on my shoulder, and without thinking I wrapped my arms around him. He seemed surprised by this since his body stiffened right after.

"What? Wasn't expecting me to hug you back?"

He didn't say anything and just pressed our bodies together even more. What was wrong with this guy? He was definitely still mad, but there was something else bothering him. I didn't want to ask but I knew if I didn't he would definitely stay in this mood the entire time he was here.

"Is something wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. You're obviously upset about something."

He sighed, "it's nothing."

"Is that nothing the reason your knuckles are bruised?"

He didn't say anything but as we stood there in silence I felt hot breath on my neck then the softness of lips. My eyes widened as I felt another kiss on my neck.

"What are y-"


After he shushed me I felt his teeth slightly nip at the skin on my neck and followed by that was his tongue. Shudders went through my body and the arms he had around my waist tightened. I felt my knees buckle and the only reason I hadn't almost fell yet was because of the strong hold Ba Wei had on me.

My breath was heavy and every time I felt his teeth scrape against my skin my body would shudder. What the hell is going on with me?

"Wait," I said breathlessly, "stop."

I had thought he wouldn't listen but he did. He placed one last kiss on my neck before he pulled back and looked at me. I knew whatever face he was seeing of mine was anything but emotionless. I knew my face was red and from how hard we were pressed together I knew he felt that I was already half hard.

"What," his voice was soft?

I didn't say anything and just stared into his eyes. It had been such a long time since I couldn't see anything in his eyes. It was like there wasn't anything there. I thought seeing nothing behind those eyes would make me calm down but it did the complete opposite. It turned me on.



He pushed my hair behind my ear and it felt like something snapped inside of me. It felt like my body moved on it's on. My lips pressed into his and Ba Wei waisted no time in kissing me back. I opened my mouth and he immediately pushed his tongue in. As we stood there kissing the only thing that went through my mind was one thing. I want him.

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