Chapter One Hundred Fifty One

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"Why are you looking like that," my father asked as I squeezed my eyes shut? "Do you know the name

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"Why are you looking like that," my father asked as I squeezed my eyes shut? "Do you know the name."

I let out a sigh, "yes. I know the name."


I opened my eyes and glanced over at Ba Wei to see his normal cold expression. I don't know why but when I met his eyes I felt the overwhelming want to cry: I quickly shifted my eyes to my father.

"He's the guy that contributed in the incident that ended with me in a jail cell."

"What? Why would your mother say a child's name of all things," my father asked raising his voice?

"I don't know."

As I said that my voice started to shake. My entire body was shaking. I was angry, very angry. So angry that my emotions were going wild. I wanted to hit something, hit someone. I took deep breaths and just stared at the floor.

"How do you know not know? Are you still in contact with that boy?"

"If course he isn't," Ba Wei answered.

He reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled me into his arms. As his arms wrapped around me I couldn't help but relax a little.

"How would you know? In fact I don't remember talking to you at all."

"Look," Ba Wei said calmly, "I know because I'm around him 24/7."

My father was silent for a few minutes, "how disgusting. You're proud of this relationship you have with my son huh?"

I couldn't help but sigh, "dad-"

"No," Ba Wei said as his arms fell from around me. "Let him say what he has to say."

"How mature of you," my father said laughing. "Do you think I'd ever accept this disgraceful relationship? I mean I doubt this is anything but a phase for him."

I reached my hand out and grabbed Ba Weis. I gave it a slight squeeze because I knew just from looking at his face that he was getting upset. I didn't want to go through this right now. My moms in jail and the only name she said was Cheng De, but my father wants to pick fights with my boyfriend.

"I don't need you to accept it."

"But you do."

"I don't because I don't remember asking you permission. I'm not planning on going anywhere so you should get use to me."

"That's funny-"

"Dad," I said cutting him off. "Can you stop. I don't want this conversation to get any more tense." I sighed, "Ba Wei."

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