Chapter One Hundred Forty Seven

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Hey guys sorry for the wait on this chapter

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Hey guys sorry for the wait on this chapter. I completely forgot to upload it yesterday. Please forgive me 😩 I've been stressing because of work and the lack of my Onlyoneof album. Plus writers block has been hitting rn hard. I'll try to get back on my schedule of uploading. I hope you guys understand

After Ba Wei left I let out a deep sigh and walked back over to the bed. As I flopped down on the bed I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. I knew I had to call my father even if I didn't want to. Sure I could go see him right now but I don't think I have it in me too. I picked up my phone and quickly scrolled down to the all too familiar number. I clicked on it and put it on speaker. It run twice before that old man answered.

"Ji Nan."

"Hey," I cleared my throat, "I just arrived in town."

"Why did you come," he asked in confusion.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "what do you mean? Mom called...she said that you were really sick."

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm in a hotel. So you're not sick or anything?"

"No, I'm fine." He was silent for a few minutes. "What did your mother say to you."

I ran a hand through my hair and let out a sigh, "she said you didn't have much time left and I thought..."

"I'm happy you would've come on my last days, but I'm fine. I'm honestly confused what's going on in that head of hers."


"She's probably doing what she usually does. You know she's been showing up randomly to places I've been. I thought she would've gotten the point that I don't want to see her since I kicked her out. She doesn't even have the decency to see you," he ranted calmly.


"No, I bet she's planning something. She's a vile woman. I'll never understand why you want a relationship with her so bad."

I sighed, "because she's my mom."

Although I hated to admit it my father had a point. She's done nothing to try to even talk to me. When I call she tells me not too and the first time she calls me after finding my father beat up she tells me a lie and makes me travel home for no reason.

"I don't think she deserves that title, but perhaps you'll learn later in life why."

"I get it. I'm coming to the house tomorrow so be there okay."

"I have a meeting early in the morning but I'll be back before noon. Did you travel here alone?"

"No. Ba Wei came with me."


"Why does it matter why he came with me. I thought you were dying, it should be obvious why he came."


That's all he said before he hung up the phone. How did one phone call make me confused and annoyed. Why the hell would she lie about something to serious. She's never done it before so why now. I scrolled down to her number and clicked on it. I waited for her to answer but she never did. It just continued to ring.

I hung up the phone when I heard the voice mail and I didn't know how to feel. I traveled all the way to this place just to be told my father that he's fine. Not only that but now I had no idea why I'm even back in this god forsaken place. Just sitting in this familiar looking room made me uncomfortable.

I remember the last time I was in a room like this. I was with Han Jie Xue, and it was the day before I left. We didn't sleep together even though she tried, instead we just talked for hours. Even talking to her all day i still didn't tell her I was leaving. I remember waking up to an empty room and feeling nothing. I remember feeling strange because although I knew I was about leave her I felt nothing. No sadness or regret, I was just numb. Funny how I just didn't care.

I sighed and laid back on the bed. What even was my life before I moved. A mess? That would be an understatement. I floated through most my my teen years drinking and partying. I'm suprised that even after what happened I stopped. I guess seeing the fear in my fathers eyes did it. I'm such a disappointment.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and closed my eyes. I didn't think about anything and most enjoyed the silence. Soon I drifted off to sleep.

"Hey," Ba Wei called as he shook me. "Wake up."

I fluttered my eyes open to be met by his. A smile spread across my face and I leaved up and quickly kissed him. He seemed to be surprised at my action but let out a chuckle and leaned down and kissed me back.

"I'm sorry for waking you," he said as he got up from the bed.

I sat up and stretched and at that moment the familiar scent of ramen hit my nose.

"Did you get the ramen?"

"En. How did you know?"

"It's my favorite," I got up from the bed and walked over to the small table where all the food was.

"Really? You still remember the smell?"

"Of course, I love it."

"More than me," he asked nonchalantly?

Without thinking I answered, "no."

When I processed what I said I couldn't even say anything because of the embarrassment. My face was beet red and I quickly looked at the floor.

"What," Ba Wei asked surprised?

I cleared my throat and tried to change the subject, "let's eat before it gets cold."

Ba Wei stared at me but didn't say anything else. In fact he didn't say anything else at all. We ate in silence and it was making me uncomfortable. Why did I have to make it weird.

"Ba Wei," I called quietly.


"Are you angry?"

I watched him take a large bite if a bun, "no."

"It seems like you are though."

He didn't say anything and just kept eating so I took that as a sign to just let it go. I sat down my chopsticks and got up from the table. In truth I was getting a bit annoyed. Sure I said something strange but he didn't have ti be s dick to me because of it.

I walked into the bathroom and cut on the shower. I began to strip and after I was fully naked I reached a hand out into the water to make sure the temperature was right before stepping in. I stood underneath the water just letting it fall on my skin. It felt nice, the slight burn of the water made my skin feel flushed. I was about to began go wash myself when the shower door came open. I turned around to see Ba Wei fully naked stepping into the shower.

Without saying a word I turned back around. He had been ignoring me so why not ignore him. It's only fair. That's what I thought but all of that seemed to go out the window when his arms went around me. He pressed out body together and began to kiss my neck. Shudders erupted throughout my body.

" what-"

"You love me more than your favorite food huh?"

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