Chapter One Hundred Twenty One

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"I have to take the car back

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"I have to take the car back."

"What? He just won't let you keep it?"

Ba Wei shook his head and slipped into his shoes. I was standing at the island in the kitchen in shock. Was Kang Wu really just that protective when it came to that car. I know the guy was still a gangster of sorts but what would he even do if Ba Wei didn't bring the car back.

"What will he do if you don't bring it back?"

Ba Wei looked at me, " let's just say my ribs won't be in the condition they are in now. He's really big on spoken words so if I don't bring it back on time he will probably beat me and never give me the car again."

" and your father just lets this happen?"

He just nodded, " I would have to make a trip there anyway because I need a clean uniform."

I walked over to him and slipped into my shoes, "I can just wash the one your wearing."

" Where do you think you're going," he asked with a smirk on his face?

"With you obviously."

I watched as he looked me up and down. Was something on my clothes, or was I dress inappropriately. I just wore a normal shirt with some sweatpants so I don't know why he was so distracted by my clothing.

" I can change if you need me to. Even though I don't see an issue with-"

"You don't need to change. Come on."

He open the door and walked out I followed behind him making sure the door clicked when it shut. I looked up to see Ba Wei standing at the top of the stairwell just looking at me. A small smile tugged at my lips and I quickly made my way over to him. I reached out and grabbed his hand and I expected him to have a reaction but he didn't. He just intertwined our fingers. I couldn't help the small smile that tugged on my lips.

As we descended the stairs neither of us talked but I was curious about something. Sure it had been a hour or so but was the meeting at his house over? I mean I didn't want to see what kind of punishment his father gave out for him leaving. Plus I'd probably have to step in because Ba Wei had enough bruises on him already.



"Is the meeting at your house done yet?" He shook his head and pressed a button making the cars lights flash. "Won't you be in trouble if you just pull back up with me?"

He didn't say anything and just walked over to the car and climbed in. I followed suit, and only when my seat belt was buckled did he say anything.

"Don't worry. He won't say anything since people are there."

"That's not-"

"It'll be fine. He's not gonna care that much so shush."

I was taken aback by him cutting me off, but I still stayed quiet. As he pulled out of my apartment complex something didn't feel right. I just had a bad feeling about something, and I couldn't help but think of why. I pushed the thought to the back of my head and just watched the city pass by.


When we made it to his house I was surprised on just how many cars were parked outside. There was so many that Ba Wei was having a hard time even finding a place to park. If I were to count there was easily over twenty cars parked in front of the house.

"How big is this meeting?"

"He called all of the people in charge in all his areas so pretty big. Doesn't help that most of them brought another person so the house is pretty packed," he said as he parked the car.

As he started to get out of the car I couldn't help but ask, "do I have to go in?"

Ba Wei's eyes locked to mine, "If you don't want to. You don't have to."

I nodded and got out the car. I was expecting him to just walk in the house without another word but to my surprise he walked over to me. I was about to ask him what he was doing but before I could he had already planted a quick kiss on my lips.

"I'll be right back."

He walked off after that and I just stood there surprised. After a few minutes I turned my attention to all the cars around. All of them looked expensive but some looked more expensive than others. Looking at some I would say that my father would love to just be in the presence of them. The worst thing about that man is that he loves cars, but always seems to crash them. I'm kind of glad that he has a driver.

I ran a hand through my hair, and looked around. It was mostly dark where I was but the three big lights that stood around the driveway kept it relatively lit. Glancing around there was no one in the driveway but listening I can hear distinct chatter. I couldn't help but hope that they didn't hear me or walk towards me. I wasn't really in the mood for conversation, let alone conversation with strangers. I was just about to let out a sigh when someone called out to me. I ignored it the first time but the second time they called out to me they said my name.

"Ji Nan," they called.

My blood ran cold as their voice hit my ears because I knew it. I would recognize that voice from a mile away. Even now it still sounded as cocky as it did when I first met him. I looked in the direction of where the voice came from and not to my surprise there he stood. The guy that basically ruined my life even more than it already had been.

"Cheng De?"

Our eyes met as I said his name, and like always I saw  amusement in his eyes. I had always thought that I would feel betrayal or even a tiny bit of pain after not seeing  him for so long but all I felt was anger.

"Weird seeing you here," he said as he started to make his way over to me.

I didn't say anything in return and just watched him approach me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit surprised to see him here. In the past he never went to events with his father so I assumed I'd see him elsewhere.

"I guess it is."

He stopped a good bit away from me, "so the rumor was true."

"What rumor exactly, "I asked coldly?

"The one where you're dating a guy," he said laughing. "Han Jie Xue told me about it but damn you actually turned into a-"

"What do you want exactly," I asked cutting him before he could say what I knew he was about too?

"Still the same as always." He looked around, "so bad people are just your type huh?"

I watched a small smile tug on his lips and I knew that if I stayed here he would just make me angrier. I knew he asked that question deliberately, and I really didn't have it in me to fight. I didn't have any Interest in speaking to the guy so I just turned and started to walk away.

"Running away again? I thought you would've grew some balls since you're fucking a gang bosses son. I guess you're still a pussy like before."

I was just going to ignore what he said and just go in and try to find Ba Wei, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard Kang Wu's voice ring out.

"What did you say?"

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