Chapter Fifty-Two

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The walk home was quiet

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The walk home was quiet. The streets were lively but not too noisy, but even if they were I wouldn't have noticed. Throughout the entire journey I couldn't help but think about Ba Wei's reaction. It brought a small smile to my face just thinking about it.

Upon thinking of that face I thought about that unfinished sentence. I wonder what he was going to say before he left. He was definitely pouting when I said I had to skip the tutoring session and it was cute for him to deny it. Yet I wanted to know what he was going to say. Left me in suspense again.

When I made it to my apartment building it was still quite early. I climbed the stairs in a hurry and as I neared my door my heart began to beat fast. It was not that I was nervous that my father would be in there, I was nervous that he wouldn't be.

I unlocked my door and walked inside and was relieved to see the living room light on. I took off my shoes and sat my bag down and walked into the living room. As I stepped into the light I was greeted by not only my father but a unfamiliar female also. I raised an eyebrow and called out to my father.


His head swung in my direction and a smile spread across his face. He got up from where he was sitting and walked over to me. I started to back up a little out of confusion but when he took me in for a hug I couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable.

My father never was a big hugger. Even when I was younger sadly my mother was the only people that would comfort me by hugging me. Even though I didn't want to, I hugged him back. He released me a minute later and turned towards the woman that had stayed seated. What the hell does he have to tell me?

"Sit," my father said as he walked back and sat down.

I walked to the other chair and sat down and for the first time I got a good glance at the woman that was sitting beside him. She was very pretty. Tan skin, big eyes, nice lips, and she seemed to carry herself nicely. What is she doing here?

"Did you arrive safely?"

"En, but as I said over the phone I wanted to discuss something with you."

I nodded, "yeah. I canceled the tutoring session to come here right away."

"Well," he looked at the woman beside him, "you know I have been single since me and your mother parted." I raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Well, I wanted you to meet the woman I have been seeing."

"Hello, Ji Nan, my name is Song Chunhua, but you-"

"You made me cancel something that I'm required to do to meet your new girlfriend?"

I didn't want to cut off this older woman, but I was annoyed at this point. He brought me here to meet one of his new play things. How boring.

"Ji Nan," my father said sternly. I looked over at him and was surprised at how angry his expression was.

"It's fine," Chunhua said. "I can't expect him to respect me so soon."

"Nonsense. He knows better."

What does he mean by that? It's not like I would do this if it wasn't one of his women. He always blows through women so why is he getting mad about me being rude to them. He never cared before.

"Father we could have did this over the phone."

I looked between him and the woman and for some reason I grew even more irritated. I had thought that he had finally come to see his son on his on own, but I guess I was wrong. Once again he came here for himself. He's such an asshole.

"Stop being a brat. If we could've done this over the phone I wouldn't have come here."

"You shouldn't have."

"Ji Nan."

As he said my name a sigh escaped his mouth. Studying his face, it looked as if he was defeated. I sat there not saying anything and finally the woman began to speak.

"Are you aware of the reason why we came."


"Then why don't you listen and then object afterwards."


"I have cancer," my father suddenly said.

"W-what," I stuttered out?

I must have heard him wrong. There's no way what I heard was correct. I wait and waited for him to say that it wasn't true but that never came.

"That's the reason I have been gone for so long and this woman is not my play thing. She's my fiancé."

The minute I heard the word fiancé slip from his lips my hear skipped a beat. I looked over at him and our eyes met. I studied his eyes and he was serious.

I was seriously taken aback. In truth I didn't think my father would ever remarry after my mother but now he pops up with a cancer diagnosis and a new fiancé. Something is fishy.

"Have you been receiving treatment," I asked as calmly as I could.

"Of course."

Even though I was calm on the outside, inside I was scared. My father was sick and not just with a common cold but with cancer. The more I thought about it the more I couldn't help but think why he hasn't told me sooner. This woman who is his fiancé knows , but me, his son doesn't.

"When did you find out?

"That's not-"

"When," I asked sternly.

My father let out a sigh, "two weeks ago."

I looked up at him and the irritation I was feeling finally turned into anger. If he had found out then that means he came back in town knowing this information and still didn't tell me.

"Why didn't you tell me," I asked as I looked over at him. I knew he could see the anger in my eyes and I think that is the reason why he spoke as softly as he did.

" I didn't want to worry you?"

"Not worry me? You disappear for months at a time and you want to not worry me with a cancer diagnosis?"

"Calm down," Chunhua said, "I'm sure he was just worried about you."

"Did I speak to you," I snapped.

"Ji Nan!" I jumped at the sudden booming voice. I looked over at my father to see a rather angry expression on his face. "What are you angry about?"

I watched as my father finally stood up from where he was sitting. I was wondering when he would do this. He would always do this to try and make me feel intimidated by him, but it never worked. My father is a scary guy but not in the sense of showing his angry. He's more intimidating when he doesn't speak at all.

"I'm angry because you chose to tell this woman this before you told me."

"It isn't about who I told first." The more he talked the more angry I got. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

"Do I mean that little to you father?"

He was silent for minute before he cleared his throat. I raised an eyebrow and without saying anything I just turned to leave. I slipped into my shoes and as I grabbed the handle on the door my eyes began to sting. Thanks for nothing.


Hello sorry for the delay on this chapter. I have been currently busy with getting ready to start my new job. I will be updating somewhat later but plz do look forward to the chapters

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