Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two

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I turned around to see Kang Wu slowly walking from behind  some cars

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I turned around to see Kang Wu slowly walking from behind some cars. He took a long drag from a cigarette in his hand.  Has he been here the entire time? I didn't know, but I knew from the way he was looking at Cheng De that if he even said anything out of tone he was definitely not here just for a quick chat.

"Excuse me," Cheng De asked?

"You heard me. What did you say?"

I watched as the group of people that I'm assuming he was with started to make their way over to him. I walked up to Kang Wu but he didn't even glance at me. This is bad.

"Am I supposed to be afraid of you old man?"

Kang Wu had been standing in place the entire time but as soon as those words left his mouth he began to walk towards him. Initially I was going to to try to stop him but why would I try to help the guy. He was the one digging his own grave. Usually when someone sees that someone else is a bit bigger or they'll puff out their chest to show they aren't scared, but I think when you're at a gang leaders house you should cower. Just in case you know. I watched as Kang Wu took and long drag from his cigarette and when he stopped in front of Cheng De he blew it in his face.

"You best go play with your toys, because unlike the boy behind me; my patience isn't good at all."

"Why are you even threatening me? I was clearly talking to Ji-"

"Ji Nan," Kang Wu called cutting him off.


"Go inside and find Ba Wei. Me and your little friend are gonna have a discussion. Tell him to take the back way when you guys leave."

I didn't answer and just began to walk away. I wasn't dumb in the slightest. I knew exactly what was about to go down. I glanced behind me and sure enough the people that Cheng De was with had began t surround Kang Wu. If I'm being honest the guy didn't seem all too worried and just still stood there facing Cheng De without a care in the world. I wonder how dangerous that driver actually is.

I turned back around and quickly made my way through the house. As I walked through I got a lot of stares but to my surprise a lot of them knew my name. So every time I'd turn a new corner someone would call my name and I was getting sick of it. I was about fed up of hearing my own name until I heard that familiar deep voice call out to me. I quickly turned in  the direction it came from and our eyes immediately locked. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I made my way over to him and his eyes followed me all the way too him.

"Found you finally," I said as I reached out and pushed him a bit.

He glanced over at the person he was talking to, "why were you looking for me? You said you didn't want to come in."

I bowed to the person that had been staring at me since I walked up, "Kang Wu told me to come in."

That seemed to catch both Ba Weis and the other persons attention. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and Ba Wei seemed to notice.

"Must of had business to tend to," the older man said.

"What do you mean?"

Ba Wei slid his arm around my waist, "just know it's nothing pretty."

The old man nodded and I couldn't help to be a bit lost. It's true that Kang Wu was a gangster but he didn't look that dangerous. If you take his tattoos off he seemed to be a okish guy. I mean he still kinda is a dick but that is besides the point,

"Why is that?"

Ba Wei looked down at me, "I'll tell you later okay. Excuse us."

Ba Wei didn't waste anytime in moving because he immediately began to push me through the crowd towards the back of the house. I was confused on why he was pushing me back here since I had yet to finish telling him what Kang Wu had said.

When we made it to the back yard of the house Ba Wei let out a sigh. I was going to ask why we're back here but when he hugged me from behind my mind went blank.

"What are you doing?"

"Enjoying you. What does it look like?"

A smile tugged at my lips, "Hmm that's an interesting answer but mind telling me what we're doing out here."

"We gotta wait for Kang Wu in some place and I'd prefer it to be alone with you."

"Huh? Wait on him? He told me to tell you-"

"To take the back exit when leaving," he finished. "Yeah yeah I know his routine but it's too late to even catch a bus so he's going to have to take us back if he wants his car."

I didn't say anything and just enjoyed the quietness and his warmth. I laid my head back on his shoulder and his grip on me seemed to tighten.

"Ji Nan."


"There was a guy giving you a hard time wasn't it?"

My body immediately stiffened, "how do you-"

"Kang Wu sent me a text right before you came in the house."

I didn't know what to say. In truth I felt a bit bad since I was going to keep that from him but I see Kang Wu didn't give me the luxury of a secret.

"It's not a big deal."

"What did he say to you to make Kang Wu angry?"

I turned around in his arms, "what do you mean?"

His hands went to my ass, "Kang Wu is the type to let you fight your own battles so the guy had to hit a nerve in him."

"Hmm," I tried to remember exactly what he said and it dawned on me. "He seemed to get a bit upset when he referred to as you a gang leaders son."

Ba Wei sighed and shifted his eyes from mine, "that'll do it."

I was about to ask what he meant when there was crunching of leaves and Ba Wei slowly moved his arms from around me. I looked over in the direction to see Kang Wu walk out from beside the house. I scanned his body to see that blood covered his hands. I was about to say something but he spoke first.

"No word of this to father got me." Neither of us said anything and I watched him light another cigarette. "Let's go."

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