Chapter Nine

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The next morning I woke up to the gentle sound of rain

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The next morning I woke up to the gentle sound of rain. I slid out of the bed and glanced at the clock. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Judging by the time, which was a bit past seven; I wouldn't have to rush to get ready. It was a relief since I didn't feel like rushing a shower.

I walked into the bathroom, and cut on the shower. I walked back into my room and stripped. I never get undressed in the bathroom since my dirty clothes basket isn't in there. It would be pointless to strip in there and have to pick the clothes up after a shower to bring them out here.

I walked back in the bathroom and stepped into the shower. When the warm water hit my skin I let out a sigh. After standing there for a few minutes, I began to clean my body. I was very gentle, but also used quick motions. I washed my hair last and it didn't take long to finish.

After my shower I got dressed and pulled my still wet hair into a high bun. It would've been pointless to blow dry it and style it when it would probably be splashed with water because of the rain.

I grabbed all my things and headed out. Before I stepped out onto the street, I opened my umbrella. The rain wasn't hard, but it wasn't soft either. If I didn't have to go to school today, I would have just enjoyed the rain. It's the only thing from my childhood that I actually still enjoy. It's the only thing that doesn't carry any somber memories.

The rain brought back memories of happiness and childhood innocence. It made me miss being naïve. It made me miss not knowing all the big bad in the world. The rain made me miss only being able to see the good in people.

As I walked further I started to notice that the streets were rather empty. So empty in fact that it wasn't as noisy as it usually is. It's probably because of the rain. I decided not to focus on that and instead focus on getting to school. Since I left at my normal time, I wouldn't have to worry about running into Yaling. I can finally get some peace and quiet.

I was almost to the school when someone called my name making me come to a halt. I knew the voice and who it belonged to. I turned around and sure enough Ba Wei was making his way over to me. Why was he out this early, and why was he on this side.

I watched as his tall body walked over to me. He didn't have an umbrella, instead he wore a black hoodie. His hands were stuffed into the pockets, and I could barley see his face because of the shadows.

"What are you doing on this side," I asked as he came to stand beside me. I was truly curious since I hadn't seen him on this route until now. He responded in a usual cold and emotionless tone. He didn't look at me as he did either.

"Just was around."

I forced myself to smile and just nodded in response. Why do I want to talk to him anyway? The truth is, I couldn't answer my own question. I couldn't say why I wanted to talk to him. It was just something about him.

Neither of us said anything as we entered the school, but Even though Ba Wei was looking forward; he would take quick glances at me. When we reached the school building I stopped and closed my umbrella, and to my surprise Ba Wei stopped as well. I motioned that we can continue and he turned and started walking. Just then I realized that it was odd that he was here.

Since I moved here I would be the only one here when I came this early. I didn't check all the exits to the school, but I was certain of it.

"Hey, why are you here this early?" It took him a minute to answer but he eventually did.

"I usually come a bit later."

"Then why did you come so early today?" He pushed his hood off his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

"No reason." I'm not an idiot in the slightest. I know he was lying to me, but it's not my business.


We walked through the main hall until we reached the middle. We would have to go in opposite directions if we're planning on heading to class. I glanced up at Ba Wei to see his face was slightly red, and one of his cheeks were purple. Without thinking I reached up and touched his cheek. His eyes snapped to mine making me flinch a little.

"Don't touch me." His tone was dark, and it was the first time I heard this tone from him. I pulled my hand back and apologized.


I didn't feel like I needed to apologize, but I still did. I wonder how he got the bruise. It couldn't be from Friday, it would've became lighter by now. I wanted to ask him, but judging on his reaction to me touching it; It wouldn't be a good idea. In the end I decided to change the subject.

"Let me see your homework." That caught his attention; he looked directly at me.


"I want to check it," I said looking into his eyes. To my surprise he shifted his first.

"There's no need. They're correct."

"How would you know?"

"I just do."

I chuckled, "okay. Since we missed the tutoring session on Friday, we will have to double up today." I studied his expression, and as usual it was like a statue. No emotions in sight. He just responded with a nod of his head.

I looked down at my watch to see students would start to pour in soon. I looked up at Ba Wei and slightly nudged him; drawing his attention.


"I gotta head to class." He didn't hesitate to respond. It was like he was waiting for me to say I had to leave.

"Alright." Without another word he walked away. I watched until he finally turned a corner, and I couldn't see him anymore. Strange but kind of cute. I smirked and made my way to class.

When I made it to class, it was empty. Exactly how I liked it. I took my seat and sat my things down on the wall. I took out my phone and put it on vibrate. I stuffed it back in my pocket and laid my head down on my desk. I wasn't tired, but sleep is sleep. I needed to get a lot seeing that we would have to double up on the subjects in the tutoring session. They already end late with one subject, so It was best for me to  get prepared for the long night.

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