Chapter One Hundred Eighteen

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I stood at the school gates and watched as Ba Wei left

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I stood at the school gates and watched as Ba Wei left. I was expecting Kang Wu to pick him up but instead he got into a unknown vehicle. I was slightly worried but at the same time I knew that if I worded my question right I would get the answer out of him. I was just about to turn and leave when I heard someone call out to me. It was a familiar voice but not one that I should know. Confused I turned around and sighed heavily as Dai Yang came into my view. He was with him normal goons that followed him around. Looking at the guys they didn't even look like they got into any trouble.

"Hey," he called.


"You're a bit too open about that don't you think?"

I raised an eyebrow, "open about what exactly?"

"You know," he looked at the guy beside him, "being a faggot and all."

When I heard that word I would be lying if i said it didn't make me a bit angry but I kept my composure. I ran a hand through my hair nonchalantly as him and his friends all laughed at his blatant use of a slur. How childish.

"What about it?" He seemed surprised I said anything back. I didn't give him the chance to say anything and continued speaking. "Would you like one?"

"Like one of what," he asked confused.

A small smirk spread across my lips, "a kiss."

I watched as his and the rest of the guys with him faces scrunched up in disgust. I wanted to laugh so hard but I knew if I did I would definitely have to fight them. Hell, I might have to already.

"Ew. What the fuck," he said raising his voice? "Why would I want that from you?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. You seemed quite interested in who I kiss." I walked towards him and to my surprise he didn't move. I patted his shoulder. "I'm just fucking with you. You're not my type."

Before he could say anything I pushed my way through him and his group of friends. I would be lying if I said I wasn't in a good mood. I mean putting people in their place made me feel at peace. It was like second nature. Plus it really isn't his business how open I am about my relationship. Even though this is my first relationship with a guy I don't like people voicing their opinions. I didn't ask for it so why give it?

Though I knew that most of the school population probably had this same reaction as Dai Yang. It's not like I cared much. It's not my job to make them feel comfortable and if they're uncomfortable with just a simple relationship then somethings wrong with them.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and made my way back to the my classroom. When I entered the classroom the group of students that had invited me to lunch was sitting where they usually sat. I was expecting them to just ignore my presence but I wasn't so lucky.

"Hey," one of the guys called. "Ji Nan was it?"

I stopped walking, "yeah that's my name."

"Come sit with us for lunch. You said you would another time anyway."

I was hoping they forgot about that but I see that I had no such luck. Flashing a fake smile I nodded and walked over to them. As I sat down the girl that had invited me last time gave me a bright smile.

"I'm glad you could join us today. I wanted to ask you before class but you were with that guy."

"Yeah. Usually I have lunch with him but today he's busy," I responded nonchalantly.

"Ah, that guy is Ba Wei right," one of the other girls asked? I nodded and she pushed the girl that sat in the desk in front of her. "I told you it was the hot guy that always gets into fights."

"Yeah. He's also a dick. Bumped into the guy once and stared daggers at me."

Listening to all their opinions on Ba Wei I wanted to laugh because most of them were true. He's a very guarded person so it doesn't surprised me that no one has actually seen his true personality. How actually adorable he is.

"How did you even get close to a guy like that? Don't you think you're too handsome to be hanging around a person like him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he's a trouble maker. Saying his name even makes even the teachers get a bit nervous."

"Ah," I scratched the back of neck, "well to be honest it just kind of happened. Nothing special. We just have a lot of things in common that's all."

"What could have in common with that thug," the girl in front of me asked giggling?

I flashed that fake smile again, "a lot actually."

After that they really didn't ask anything more about him. They changed the subject to food and asked if I wanted anything and of course I declined. I wasn't hungry for one and I don't take food from people anymore. Bad habits die hard.

Soon lunch came to an end and I said my goodbyes to everyone. They were nice people but a bit too noisy for my taste. I would rather be around quiet people but sadly they're hard to find. I took a seat in my desk and looked down at my phone to see that I had a message from Ba Wei. A picture message at that.

I clicked on the message and a smile spread across my face as I saw a picture of his classroom and the words 'made it' underneath it. I sent a quick text back and stuffed my phone in my pocket. I felt it vibrate but decided to just ignore it because I actually needed to pay attention.

I watched as all the students poured back into the room and just like always Yaling began her staring session. What would it take to make her stop. I pushed my hair out of my face and made sure my notebook and everything was prepared. I was just getting done labeling my paper when the teacher walked in. Hopefully I won't get bored with this one quickly and take sufficient notes. Hopefully.

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