Chapter Thirty-Three

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After my shower I felt a little relaxed

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After my shower I felt a little relaxed. The clothes that Ba Wei gave me that should've fit were a bit baggy. The shirt hung to my thighs and the pants were huge. It didn't surprise me seeing that he was bigger and taller than me. I pulled on the shirt and sighed. It should be fine.

After I was fully dressed and comfortable, I made my way back to the kitchen. When I entered I noticed that Ba Wei was fixing two bowls of soup. He glanced up at me and then back to the soup.

"Those clothes don't look like they fit you."

"Nope, they're huge on me," I said truthfully. He walked the two bowls over to the kitchen table and sat them down across from each other.

"I thought they'd fit just a bit. You're smaller than I thought."

"I'm not small at all, you're just big as hell." He chuckled at my sentence as he he grabbed some chopsticks.

"I guess you're right," he said as he sat the chopsticks by the bowls. "Sit down."

I didn't argue with him and did as he told me too. I looked down at the soup and then picked up my chopsticks. It smelled really nice, so hopefully it taste good. He said his mother made it, so it should taste good. I wonder what his mother is like?

I picked up a wonton and stuffed it into my mouth, and flavor burst over my taste buds. I don't know if it was because of how hungry I was, but the wontons were delicious. They were much better than the ones I remember my mother making.

"Like it?"

I glanced up at Ba Wei and nodded my head. He pushed a spoon over to me and began eating himself. We ate in silence for a few minutes before he threw a question at me.

"Are you surprised?"

"Surprised about what," I asked with my mouth full?

"My house." Somehow him asking that question made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't surprised, but I knew if I did say I was he would take it the wrong way.

"A bit, yes."

"Why," he asked as he stuffed another wonton into his mouth?

"I didn't think you were wealthy," I answered truthfully. I looked up at him and his eyes met mine. They were cold, and as I stared into them it sent a chill down my spine.

"I guess that's a good thing." He stood up and grabbed his bowl. I sat there confused on what he meant. I picked up my bowl and followed him to the sink.

"I'm guessing you don't want people to know your status?"

"Yeah," he said as he out his bowl in the sink. "I don't want my wealth to have anything to do with my life."

When I heard that sentence I felt relieved. I understood way to much about hiding ones wealth.

"I understand."

"I bet you do."


After we ate dinner we just sat around talking about nothing in the couch. I was glad we didn't bring up wealth anymore because I didn't want him to ask how I understood his struggle. More over since he didn't ask, I had no intention to tell him I was wealthy.

"It's getting pretty late. We should probably head to bed soon." I yawned right after he said that and I couldn't help but nod in agreement. I stood up from the couch and stretched. As I did this a small sound came from me unconsciously. I expected Ba Wei to comment, but he didn't. He didn't say a sound as he got up. He just started making his way to his room. I followed behind him quietly.

I thought he was going to his room, but I instead he walked straight into the bathroom. Now that I think about it he hadn't taken a shower yet. I watched as he turned on the light and pulled off the white shirt he was wearing. Just like before his body was covered in bruises. I wanted to say something, but I knew he wouldn't give me the answers I want it.

I cleared my throat, "well, um, goodnight." He looked up at me and smirked a bit.


Without another word, I walked into the room I would be sleeping in. I closed the door and climbed into bed. The sheets were soft, and they smelled really nice. He must have someone come over to keep all the rooms tidy or maybe he cleans it. I highly doubt that.

I lay there in silence just staring at the door. The hall light was still on, and I could faintly hear the shower running. As I listened to that faint sound I couldn't help but think about Ba Wei. I wondered how the water ran down his body. How the water dripped down his hair and made their way down his body. My face went beat red as I realized what I was thinking. I sat up in the bed and rubbed my hands down my face.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about those type of things at a time like this, and about him? It's not like I haven't thought about people before, but this is the first time it's a guy. Why do I feel like this? I couldn't answer that question. Why couldn't I answer it? The more I thought about it, the more annoyed I got. I pulled out my phone and went to the search engine. I searched basic question regarding to what I was feeling. The only thing that kept popping up was one thing.

"How to know if you like someone," I read aloud. I raised an eyebrow at that sentence. Did I like him? I couldn't like him. There was no way I could. I clicked on the link and began reading, and soon I came across the symptoms. As I read all of them my eyes widened. There's no way I could like him.

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