Chapter One Hundred Four

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When we arrived at my apartment building I wish I could say I was clam but I wasn't

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When we arrived at my apartment building I wish I could say I was clam but I wasn't. In truth I had forgot all about my father probably being at this goddamn apartment. Don't know how it slipped my mind so easily and if he is here he definitely opened whatever my mother left. If it was anything that he didn't like the argument that was yesterday would seem like a test run. I looked over at Ba Wei and to my surprise he seemed rather calm. I mean I know the boy is in a gang but he could at least show a little emotion.

"Hey, What are you thinking about?" He looked over at me as we began to walk and said nothing. Confused I asked another question. "Are you going to answer my question?"

"I'm just thinking about this is all."

"What do you mean by that?"

He pushed his hair out of his face, "Nothing. Let's just hurry and see what this package is because I don't want to see your father again."

I couldn't help but laugh at the sudden honestly from him. In truth I didn't know if my father was here or not but we could hope that he wasn't.

"I don't want to run into him either, but if we do it won't be an issue. He'll just yell or some shit."

I didn't turn to Ba Wei as I said that but I could feel that he was looking at me. I thought he would respond but he didn't. We walked the rest of the way to my apartment in silence and awkward silence at that. I unlocked the door and slowly stepped in and to my surprise I was met by silence. I clicked on the lights and slowly took off my shoes. Ba Wei did the same and as I walked further into the house something caught my eye. I squinted my eyes trying to focus on what I was looking when it clicked. It's blood.

I quickly walked forward a bit and stopped only a few inches away from what looked to be a pool of blood. Ba Wei must have noticed my odd behavior and walked over behind me and within only a second of him being behind me he pulled me backward.

"What the hell," I said surprised.

"Stay here."

"Huh? Why?"

"Just stay here."

When he said that sentence his tone was serious. I was not one to follow directions but I knew that if I didn't follow his it would probably lead to him ignoring me. I nodded quickly and I watched as he stepped around the blood and walked into the living room. He looked around a bit then he proceeded to walk into the bedroom but before he even entered he stopped. I raised an eyebrow at this but didn't say anything. I watched as he disappeared in the room but I didn't hear shuffling.

"Ji Nan," he called, "come here."

Without any hesitation I quickly walked over to the bedroom but when my eyes landed on the floor where he was I stopped in my tracks. There was blood on the carpet and the person that lay on it was no other my father.


I rushed over to where he was laying and I was about to touch him when Ba Wei stopped me. I looked over at him confused.

"Don't worry he's breathing."

I know Ba Wei was telling the truth but I wanted to see for myself. I reached down and hovered my hand under his nose and  relief washed over my body when I felt him breathing. I let out a relieved sigh and looked over at Ba Wei confused.

"Why did you take so long in calling me in here?"

Ba Wei sighed, "I didn't want you to panic."

"Huh? Why?"

He didn't say anything and just pulled out his phone. I was wondering who he was calling but when I heard the emergency operator I knew. I looked back down at my unconscious bloody father and couldn't help but be alarmed. Who the fuck could have did this? Out of all people why would they attack him. I mean sure he was a duck but he never did anything too fucked up. My father wasn't a easy man to take down despite how he looks, but then again he is sick so his body probably is weak. I sighed and stood up and Ba Wei followed after.

"They should be here shortly."

I nodded, "Who would even hurt my father?"

"Do you want an honest answer?"

"Shut up. I'm being serious. Sure my father has enemies but they know not to do this." I looked over at him, "my father doesn't take kindly to people hurting him to get a point across."

"I think no one likes that."

"Yeah but when you have the money and power my father has its deadly to even do this."

I ran a hand through my hair and walked out of the room. Ba Wei followed behind me silently and when I stopped at the pool of blood he wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you okay," he asked softly?

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just something doesn't make sense."

"Huh? What?"

"Look around for a minute." His hands fell from my waist and he started to glance around.

"It looks the same."


I'm no professional but the crime scene definitely doesn't match up to the state my father was in. He had cuts everywhere and blood was everywhere but he couldn't have lost the amount of blood that was in the kitchen nor would the apartment still look fine after something that left him in that state.

"It just doesn't make logical sense. It seems a bit fishy don't you think?"

I watched as he looked around and he slowly nodded. I started to look around too and as I did I noticed something sitting on the coffee table in the living room. I raised an eyebrow and walked over and picked it up. I opened the paper and anger immediately ignited within me.

Hey. You know I would say who I am but it wouldn't be fun like that. I'm guessing you've found your father if you're reading this. I hope he's still breathing. Anyway Ji Nan how does it feel to feel like you're almost losing someone? Maybe you'll finally understand how the family of the life you took felt...

"What is it," Ba Wei asked as he started to walk over.

I balled the paper up and stuffed it into my pocket, "It's nothing. Just an old grocery list."

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