Chapter Eighty

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When I woke up the next morning I felt terrible

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When I woke up the next morning I felt terrible. Maybe it was because of my lack of sleep but when I climbed out of bed I wanted to get right back in. I let out a sigh and made my way into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I almost flinched at my reflection. I looked terrible, and I knew even trying to make myself look presentable wouldn't help. I sighed and started to do my morning routine.

After brushing my teeth, washing my face, and pulling my hair into a low ponytail I exited the bathroom and made my way into my closet. I pulled out my last clean uniform and quickly put it on. I slipped on my watch and looked down at it. It was only a bit past five meaning I actually had time to eat something. Not that I was going to prepare anything. I would more than likely just pick up something on my way to school. Dou jiang you tiao sounds good, but I wonder if anyone curb side would be selling it. I guess we'll see. 

I walked over to the door and slipped on my shoes. Grabbing my bag, I opened the door and left my apartment. As I walked down the hallway the conversation about the elevator resurfaced in my mind. I slowed to a stop right when I was about to pass it. He's not with me so it should be fine to take it. Right?

Not giving myself a chance to answer I pressed the button. Not even a minute passed before the elevator dinged and the doors opened. I walked inside and pressed the ground floor. I pulled out my phone and was surprised to see messages from my fathers number.

I had deleted it but I knew it was him because I had it memorized. We hadn't talked since the day he hit me. It's not like I was looking to speak to him either. He could disappear for a year and I'd be perfectly content.

Dad:I'll be in town today. We'll be staying at your place, so try to have it clean.

I was speechless as I read the message. He did he just say that him and his little whore will be staying in my apartment? He must be joking right? It's a one bedroom; does he expect me to give him my bedroom just because a woman is with him.

Me: there's nowhere for you to sleep.

I shot the message back quick and put my phone back in my pocket. Just as I did the elevator doors opened letting a rather cold burst of wind hit me. I took in a gasp and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I had thought the weather would change but not so suddenly. At this rate my already fragile sleep deprived body would become even more ill. I knew I should've grabbed my jacket.


When I made it to the school students were starting to pour in, but me being late was entirely my fault. When I stopped for food I may have over indulged but I don't regret anything. Everything I ordered was delicious and the old lady that I bought it from was very nice so it was win win. I had a full stomach and she had a full tip jar.

I let out a sigh and yawned and slowed down my speed as I walked pass the school gates. I took a quick glance around and raised an eyebrow when I met the eyes of someone familiar. Dai Yang. I raised an eyebrow at the blonde boy and he shifted his eyes. Huh...that was weird.

I turned my eyes back to the ground and continued walked when I heard yelling. I sighed at the noise and did my best to ignore it as I made my way to the doors. I was about to walk in the door when Ba Weis voice hit my ears. I stopped dead in my tracks and quickly turned on my heels. I pushed pass the students that were behind me until he came into view.

He was standing by one of the corners by the school gates with a group of people, but looking those people over let me know they weren't his friends.

"Who do you think you are," one of the guys yelled?

"Can you keep it down. It's a bit too early for all of that."

I a cocked a smile at the response Ba Wei gave because it honestly made me want to laugh. I slowly started to make my way over to the group. There were five guys, and all of them gave off the exact same aura as Ba Wei. At least they tried. You could tell that they didn't come to school to learn.

"Who are you to tell-"

Before the guy could finish his very loud sentence I watched as Ba Weis fist connected with his face. My eyes widened as the guy fell back onto the ground. The group that was standing behind the guy seemed just as surprised as I was.

As I got closer I could see that the guy was holding his nose. I watched as Ba Wei kneeled down in front of the now bleeding boy and say something so low I almost didn't catch it.

"Didn't I tell you quiet down."

Hearing that sentence come from Ba Weis mouth in monotone sent shivers down my spine. Usually I could tell what type of mood he's in from the way he spoke but that sentence was completely lacking everything. I stopped walked and just stared at him for a few minutes before I cleared my throat. This caught everyone's attention except Ba Wei. Really?

"Ba Wei."

Ba Wei turned his head slightly and peaked back at me. I heard a sigh leave his mouth as he stood up straight. He turned around and walked over to me.

"When did you get here," he asked as he came to a stop in front of me?

I studied his face to see that there was many fresh small cuts on his face. I raised an eyebrow but decided to not say anything about it. At least not in front of everyone.

"We should get out of here. I'm pretty sure someone has notified a teacher."

"I don't care," he said laughing, "I doubt I broke anything on that wuss over there."

I looked back behind him to see the guy clinching his nose fairly tightly. By the way blood was pouring from the guys nose I doubt that he hadn't broken his nose. Without a word I turned and stated to walk towards the doors of the school.

"Let's just go before the teachers show up."


☁️❤️Hello everyone it's been a while since I left a message down here but I just want to say thank you for continuing to read this story. Also if you would like to leave feedback I would very much love to read your thoughts on this book so far. ❤️☁️

Also don't forget to vote sweets. ❤️☁️

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