Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three

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Kang Wu didn't wait for an answer from us and just started to walk towards the basketball court

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Kang Wu didn't wait for an answer from us and just started to walk towards the basketball court. I was confused and looked at Ba Wei. He was just staring forward but after a few seconds of me staring. His eyes snapped to mine.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Why are we going this way? Isn't the car in the front?"

Right after I asked that question I heard the familiar sound of a cars doors unlocking and the flashing of lights. I was confused on one thing, and that's just how many cars this guy owned. Ba Wei parked his usual car in the front so why are we taking this one?

I was going to ask but decided not to because looking at how Kang Wu was limping I didn't think he would want to be asked any questions. I just followed the man to the car and climbed in the back, and to my surprise for the first time Ba Wei sat up front. Even though I know I shouldn't have been bothered by it I couldn't help but feel just a bit hurt by it.

"Are you hurt anywhere," Ba Wei asked as he put on his seat belt?

Kang Wu stayed quiet and just started the car. I watched as he glanced over at Ba Wei and pulled off. We sat in silence as he quickly sped off down a road that I didn't have any knowledge of.

"It's just a stab wound so don't worry about it," was all Kang Wu said.

Ba Wei seemed to like the answer and just looked forward. I stared at him for a few minutes before I shifted my eyes to the floor. As I stared at the floor the reality of how tired I actually was hit me. My eyes would close and I would drift off only to jerk myself back awake. I should've just stayed and went to bed.

I checked my watch to see that just like yesterday I probably wouldn't get any sleep. I let out a low sigh and relaxed laying my head against the head rest of the seat. I closed my eyes and just rested them. I was about to open them back up when Ba Wei said something.

"Ah he fell asleep. Try not to make any abrupt turns."

I had thought Kang Wu would've said something snappy in return because even though he tried to solve an issue for me earlier he probably had more questions after being stabbed. Come to think of it I'm surprised that Cheng De hadn't called me yet. The guy was always worrisome in that manner. Even when we were in good terms he would blow up my phone day and night. It's honestly strange now that I think about it.

"Ba Wei..."


"How much do you know about that boy?"

When I heard those words leave Kang Wu's mouth I knew that he knew a little bit too much about me. What the hell had Cheng De told him in that short amount of time? I let out an internal sigh and just stayed still and kept my eyes closed because in truth I was fed to know what Ba Wei would say.

"I know enough. Why?"

There was a short silence then he began to speak, "that guy back there said he knew him personally and he said that it's just an act."

"What's just an act?"

"Him liking you. He said he's going to use you to solve his problem and cause problems for you."

Ba Wei let out a sigh, "is this your attempt to warn me?"

"I'm just saying seems like he knows him well. He speaks like he's an ex or something."

I almost let out a small chuckle upon hearing that word. Ex. I wouldn't ever lay a finger on him. There was no sexual attraction at all towards him. Even the very thought makes me want to down a bottle of liquor.

"He's not an ex. I'm the first guy he's dated, but if he knows him well I might know who the guy is."

"Good. I'll have to settle the score from tonight so send me all the information you have when you get a chance."

I heard Ba Wei let out a soft hum and thus the rest of the ride proceeded in silence. I stayed in my position until Kang Wu suddenly hit on the brakes hard and I jerked forward. I fluttered my eyes opened to be met by Ba Weis.

"Are you okay? I told you not to make sudden stops you ass."

"He had to wake up somehow."

Ba Wei opened the door and got out, "I could've carried him."

"I don't have time for you to be all lovely dovey with your boyfriend. This stab wound hurts you know."

I didn't say anything and just climbed out of the car. Immediately when I shut the door he sped off. Ba Wei let out a sigh and turned to look at me.

"You okay? I'm sorry he woke you, I know you're tired."

His voice was soft and gentle and I couldn't help but to just smile. In truth his response to what Kang Wu had brought up was nice to hear. He trusted me enough not to immediately think that I was lying to him. It warmed my heart to think that he actually trusted me.

"I'm fine. Let's hurry and get inside so we can actually sleep and throw your clothes in the washer."

He didn't say anything and turned and started to walk. I followed behind him and I couldn't help where my eyes went. It wasn't my fault he had a nice ass. I wanted so bad to reach out and touch it but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead I just jogged forward a bit and grabbed his hand. He didn't hesitate to hold it and I leaned forward and smiled. This brought out a heart stopping smile front that guy beside me.

"Why do you have to act so cute?"

I didn't think it was possible but for once when I heard that word I didn't feel anger. I felt a bit content in him calling me that. I yanked his arm a bit as we reached the stairs before letting go of his hand.

"What can I say," I glanced back at him. "You bring it out of me."

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