Chapter One Hundred Fifty Four

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Thank you guys for waiting patiently for my return

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Thank you guys for waiting patiently for my return. I wrote this chapter a while ago but didn't think it was good enough to publish. I really hope you like it. I'll try my best to keep updating the best I can ❤️❤️

When I woke up I didn't know what time it was. The only light in the room was a small beam coming from Ba Wei's phone charger. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes. I looked down at the boy beside me and I was surprised that I didn't wake him. I reached out and pushed his bangs out of his face.

"You really are too handsome aren't you," I said aloud lowly.

I let out a small sigh and tried to move my legs but realized that I couldn't. I should say that I could but the pain coming from my waist made me not want to move them. I know we went three rounds but I didn't think my body would be like this afterwards. I put my hands on my lower waist and furrowed my eyebrows. He truly is too well endowed.

I sighed and just decided to lay back down. Immediately as my head hit his chest Ba Wei arms wrapped around me. I looked up from my comfortable place on him at his face to see those dark eyes staring back at me. Without saying anything his hands went to to waist and started rubbing in circles.

"Is your body okay?"

"En. Dispute not being able to feel my legs,I'm fine."

"If you can't feel your legs, then you're not fine," he said chuckling.

I laughed, "you proud of yourself?"

He leaned down and kissed me, "yes. Very"


He just laughed and let out a heavy sigh. I didn't want to ask what time it was but I knew I had too. In fact I knew the day hadn't ended and because of that I knew I had to call my father.

"Can you get my phone?"

"No," Ba Wei whined, "it's on your side."

"But I'm comfy," I said looking up at him.

"If I get up and get it for you; you won't be comfy anymore."

Annoyed I pushed myself out of my comfy little laying spot and reached over and grabbed my phone. Immediately when I opened it I saw the missed calls from my father. Without thinking I clicked on his number and waited for him to answer.

"About time you call me back. I called like seven times."

"Sorry I was," I looked back at Ba Wei, "busy."

"Is that so. How irresponsible."

I sighed, "did you find anything on mom?"

"Yes. That's why I was calling. I pulled some strings and was able to see her. Apparently she's being framed. Her words not mine."

"What do you mean by that? Do you not believe her?"

"I'm not saying that but the woman is prone to lying."

"Framed for what?"

"What do you think? Murder obviously. She said something about her new husband being involved. I stopped listening."

"Do you have to be so awful even in times like this?"

"I'm not. I'm being honest. I won't protect the woman. The only reason I looked into this is because you asked me too."

"How can you say that? She's your-"

"Was. She was someone important to me. She's no one to me. She's someone to you so I will say this now. The most I will do is pay for her attorney. I will not spare my money on someone so vile."

Before I could say anything else he hung up. I let out a sigh and sat my phone down. I was about to lay back down when arms wrapped around me.

"Is your body really fine," Ba Wei asked in a throaty voice?

I put my hand on one of his arms, "I'm still a little sore but it's alright."

He didn't say anything and just started placing kisses on my lower waist. I didn't protest to them and before I knew it he began to slightly suck on the skin there. In all honesty being this close to someone made me feel good. The touch of his skin again mine, his lips against mine, him being inside me; it just scratched an itch you know.

"Who was that on the phone?"

I looked down at him, " my dad. He said my mother is being charged for murder."

"Damn...does he know anything more than that."

"He said her new husband was involved. It makes me angry."

"Hmm," Ba Wei let go of me and reached over and switched on the lamp, "why?"

I looked him in the eye, "Because every time I feel happy something ruins that happiness."


"Just like right now," I said cutting him off, "Today was supposed to be about us. I only wanted to think about you but as usual I have other shit clouding my mind."

Ba Wei didn't say anything and just pulled me into his arms. His body was warm and just being held up against him was enough to ease the growing uncomfortable thoughts.

"You want to focus on me right now right?"


"Then, focus on me. Focus on my face, my body," he kissed the top of my head, "and my love for you."


"I'm not going anywhere," he said cutting me off. "How about we order some food and have a relaxing rest of the night?"

I laid my head on his shoulder and just shook it in agreement. He pulled back from me and reached for his phone. I watched as he started to scroll through an app. I was about to ask him what he was doing but before I could he got up.

Whatever was on my mind instantly went away because the sight of his fully nude body had me entranced. I smirked and just watched silently. He ordered some food and after he came back to the bed.

He reached up and ran his hand through my hair, "stop thinking about it. Let's just enjoy the rest of our night."

I just nodded because even though he said that I knew that I wouldn't be able to get those thoughts out of my head.

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