Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Breakfast," he asked as he walked pass me

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"Breakfast," he asked as he walked pass me. I followed behind him at distance.

"Yeah, I just made some omelets." I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible, but as I finished my sentence my voice began to shake. I couldn't help but have that reaction since Ba Wei abdomen was in full display. I watched as the shadows and lights danced over his muscles as he walked. I couldn't help but admire how hard and well defined his body was. Focus.

"How long have you been up for?" He asked this question as we arrived in the kitchen. He immediately looked at the set up I had prepared, but didn't say anything about it.

"Not long. I'd say for about an hour." I watched as he walked over to the fridge and opened it. He quietly looked in it, and I leaned against the island. I studied his facial features, but there wasn't anything there to study. His face was cold, even colder than usual.

"Why didn't you wake me," he asked as our eyes met? Something about his gaze was different. As I gazed into those eyes that were usually cold there was a familiar emotion that was swirling within them. Anger. I raised an eyebrow at him and looked away.

"I woke you up after I was finished." He grabbed  two pairs of chopsticks from a drawer and walked over and sat down at the table.

"You could've woke me up before you started." Was he being serious? Is he actually upset that I didn't wake him up? He slid a pair of the chopsticks over to me and just began eating. I could see by his face that he was actually anger and honestly I wanted to laugh. He's quite cute when he's upset.

"If I would've woke you up when I had gotten up you'd be even more cranky," I said as I took a piece of the omelet in my mouth.

"I'm not cranky-"

"What are you being right now then?" I glanced up from my plate and back to him. He was silent for a minute before he stuffed his mouth.  I chuckled and that seemed to make him even more annoyed. He looked like a pissed off hamster as he aggressively chewed.

"Does your mom not cook breakfast," I asked changing the subject?

"No, she only cooks dinner."

"So you never eat breakfast?"

"No. I usually just get up and get ready." Is he actually serious? Does he not know how unhealthy that is? More importantly, how did he keep a body like that when he doesn't eat?

"You should eat something for breakfast even if it isn't much." Even though my voice was calm Ba Wei seemed to pick up on my unhappiness.

"It's fine. I eat a lot throughout the day to compensate for missing breakfast."

"That's not the point."

Ba Wei sighed, "look it's too early to hear your nagging." I raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything in return. In truth I was quite annoyed, but I didn't let it show. Why do I even care? It's not like him not eating affects me.

"What's up with the books," he asked breaking the silence? I picked up a piece of food and stuffed it in my mouth. I took my time in chewing and when I looked up from my plate Ba Wei's eyes met mine. They were back to their cold state. I swallowed and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"I'm here to teach you something-"

"We just got up," he said cutting me off.

"I'm aware, but I'd rather not be stuck trying to teach you something all day."  I glanced over at him expecting to hear a protest, but instead he was silent. He just continued to eat. His eyes were on the plate in front of him putting his long eyelashes on display. I could feel my face heating up and I quickly looked down at my plate. Stop being weird.


After we finished eating we began going over the same problem from yesterday. Just like before, we got so far and got stuck. Ba Wei was trying but every time he would try to do a problem he would get through half and then get stuck at the end. I tried to go over it with him, but he just wasn't getting it.

"Come on, I've went over this a dozen times," I said annoyed.

"I know. It's not like I'm trying to not understand."

"What do you not understand. I've showed you and walked you through it-"

"I know," Ba Wei's said raising his voice. "I just don't fucking understand." I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. Ba Wei was staring intensively at the workbook, and I could see that he was getting frustrated. Hell, even I was tired of sitting at this table. It had been over an hour since we started and at this point even I was becoming confused.

"Let's take a break," I said closing my book. In the blink of an eye, Ba Wei closed his book. I couldn't help but chuckle. "You were waiting for me to say that weren't you?"

"I would've stopped even if you didn't say that," he said as he got up from the table. I shook my head and followed suit. I watched as Ba Wei flopped down on the couch. Such a kid. I walked over and took a seat beside him as he turned on the TV. He began flipping through the channels, and every now and then he would glance over at me. I wanted to pretend I didn't notice, but after he did it a few more times I couldn't help but ask why.

"Why do you keep glancing at me?" He was silent and just flipped through the channels. I was about to ask again when he finally answered.

"I was just looking at your clothes." I looked down at the oversized clothes that he had given me.

"Yeah they are pretty-"

"They look good on you," He said cutting me off. It took a minute for what he said to click, but when it finally registered my face instantly turned beat read. I heard a chuckle come from Ba Wei.

"Stop saying weird things."

"It's not weird to give someone a complement."

"No, but's it's weird to word it like that," I argued back. Ba Wei looked over at me with a smirk on his face.

"Word it like what exactly?" The more I stared at his smirking face the more I wanted to hit him. He wanted me to say exactly what he knew, and I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I turned towards the TV without saying a word. Ba Wei began to laugh beside me, and it made me even more annoyed.


Hello lovelies, I know I've been absent from updating for a while. I apologize for not updating in like 7 days 😭 don't crucify me. 

I wanted to write but I just couldn't. I guess you could say I had a burn out. I'm back on my grind and I will try to stick to my schedule of 2-5 days between each update.

Please let me know what you think about the chapter. Your opinions are appreciated ❤️❤️

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