Cheer Up

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(Happy New Year Everyone!)

"Why did you even want to go out all of a sudden?" Ryan grumbled.

"Because I told you," Scott replied gently, "staying cooped up inside isn't doing either of us any good, and I thought of a few errands I need to run."

Scott was wheeling Ryan down to the parking garage where his parent's car was waiting. They'd swapped vehicles shortly after Ryan got out of the hospital, since it was easier to get Ryan's wheelchair in and out of their SUV than Scott's sedan. It was waiting right near the elevator where they'd parked it in the handicap spot, with the temporary disability tag prominently hanging from the rearview mirror.

"But do I really have to go too? I'd be fine by myself for a few hours." Ryan pouted, reaching up to pull his knit cap a little lower. "Bringing me along is only going to slow you down."

"Aww, come on! Getting some fresh air will do you good!"

"But I can get fresh air when you have to take me to that psychiatrist appointment next week..."

"You're right! We can go for some fresh air then, too!"

Ryan did NOT want to leave the apartment this morning. Shortly after breakfast, Scott had suddenly sprung this idea on him, and wouldn't let him out of it. After their little incident the day before Ryan was feeling just a little better, but he didn't want to go out in public! He didn't want people to see him like this! What if they thought Scott did this to him? What if something happened and he was totally useless because he was stuck in the stupid wheelchair? Why wouldn't Scott even tell him where they were going?

"I want you to know I strongly protest to this." Ryan grumbled as Scott lifted him into the vehicle's front seat.

Scott kissed Ryan's cheek. "Well, we already cut up one of my shirts to get you dressed, why don't we count this as a trial run for when you ACTUALLY need to leave the house?"

Ryan continued pouting as Scott buckled him in and started loading up the wheelchair. He was indeed wearing one of Scott's shirts, which had been cut down the back to make it easier to get on and subsequently safety pinned back in place. And he was wearing a nicer pair of Scott's pajama pants, was zipped up in Scott's coat, and was stretching out a pair of Scott's lounge socks. In fact, the only thing he was wearing that was his was the hat, which he insisted he wasn't leaving without. His hair had grown back a little around his head injury but it didn't cover it completely, and it looked weird having that one short patch buzzed into the side of his head. It was such an ugly scar. He'd been told there were some spots under his casts with stitches. He was sure those would scar too. They'd probably be just as ugly...

Scott finished loading the wheelchair and the backpack he'd filled with anything and everything he thought Ryan might need while they were out. He could tell Ryan was only putting up a token of a fight against this, but after yesterday it was clear how much both of them needed to get out for a little while. It just conveniently happened to occur at the same time Ryan's ring was ready. Scott hoped having it back would help boost Ryan's spirit some. And he had another idea he thought of this morning he hoped would help a little, with the assistance of a restaurant search on his phone to find a place that was wheelchair accessible.

"Why won't you at least tell me where we're going?" Ryan asked when Scott got in the driver's seat.

"Because we're going to a bunch of places, and they're all a surprise." Scott winked as he backed out of the parking space and drove off.

Ryan stayed quiet nearly the whole way, brooding out the window. Not even Scott singing offkey to the radio could get him to crack a smile. Sure, yesterday he complained about not getting to go to work and how much just sitting around was getting to him, but that didn't mean he wanted to get dragged along to whatever this was... Actually, he wasn't too sure what he wanted anymore, other than getting some of his independence back.

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