Tiny Little Sickfic (+)

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Ryan slept most of the afternoon. He ran to the bathroom a few times to be sick, Scott dutifully following behind him to rub his back, and to remind him he'd emptied out a trash can so Ryan wouldn't have to leave the couch. Ryan wasn't too talkative on that subject. He would empty himself out, wait for the wave of nausea to pass, then shuffle his way back to the living room to flop back on the couch.

Scott tried to keep him drinking, but the level on the Gatorade bottle was moving nowhere near as fast as it needed to. Afternoon gave way to evening, and the dilemma of what to do for supper arose. Since Ryan wasn't even handling liquids very well, solid food was out of the question. He needed sodium, and he needed protein. Scott of course, had nothing in the house he thought Ryan could tolerate. The takeout menu from his favorite Chinese food place caught his eye from where it was stuck to the fridge. They did delivery...

A little bit of sweet talking and a touch of fishing for sympathy got him an extra large container of beef broth, the kind they used in the wonton soup. Delivered to his door along with an over-stuffed box of the best shrimp fried rice in the city. Ryan slept through the delivery. Scott decided the best course of action was to go ahead and eat. He was hungry after all, and it was already past when he usually had dinner.

His own needs now taken care of, it was time to go back in to nurse mode. He filled a mug halfway with broth and warmed it in the microwave. Once it was a temperature he was satisfied with, he made his way over to the couch.

"Hey, Hot Stuff," he whispered, getting down to eye level and brushing his fingers against Ryan's face, "Can you wake up for me? It's time for your next dose of meds."

Ryan's eyes peeked open. Scott tucked a bit of hair that had escaped Ryan's braid tenderly behind his ear.

"Do I have to?" Ryan asked.

"It'll make you feel better. Here," Scott prepped the thermometer that was sitting on the coffee table alongside Ryan's medicine and handed it over.

Ryan put it in his mouth and eased up to a sitting position, rearranging his blanket around his shoulders. He noticed a new smell in the place. It didn't smell too bad. Almost made him hungry. The thermometer beeped and Scott retrieved it, checking the reading.

"99.2. How are you feeling?"

"Still a little lousy... What's that smell?"

"Dinner. Wonton soup, sans wontons. Medicine first though."

Pepto and Tylenol were dutifully dosed and a new cold compress was applied. Scott then handed over the mug of warm broth.

"Drink it slow. If you want more, I've got plenty."

Scott moved to take the couch space next to his boyfriend. Ryan leaned against him, touching shoulders. Scott put his hand on Ryan's leg and patted encouragingly. Ryan slowly sipped the mug's contents. He decided that even if he didn't really want it, it tasted okay. Besides, drinking it would make Scott happy. CSI continued to play on the TV. A thought came to mind...

"Why are you doing this? Taking such good care of me?" Ryan asked.

"Because I want to. And because you need it." Scott replied without hesitation.

"Will you let me pay you back for the medicine?"

"Nope. Not a chance."

"... Why?"

Scott turned and kissed Ryan's hair. In a low, confiding tone, he spoke into Ryan's ear, "Because I think you're beautiful and I'm trying to impress you." He paused. "Is it working?"

Bad as he felt, that made Ryan crack a smile.

"There it is!" Scott exclaimed in triumph, "That smile's all I needed. Consider your debt paid in full!"

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