A Series of Firsts

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     SCOTT: [I'm outside, are you ready?]

     Ryan saw the notification pop up on his phone and panicked. He'd overslept, and was rushing to get presentable. It was never good to keep an alpha waiting. Toothbrush in one hand, phone in the other, he sent back:

     RYAN: [Almost. In the bathroom. Be down in a minute.]

     Not a lie, but sounded better than saying he couldn't drag himself out of bed to get ready on time. This was their third official date, and Ryan wasn't quite used to the change in schedule. He could feel the lack of sleep gnawing at him. They didn't do more than supper the first time, since Ryan was tired. The second date was a repeat of the first, though the pizza at that place beat the Chinese buffet hands down. He wanted to spend time with Scott, he really did, but that was hard to do when he was practically falling asleep at the table! Tonight would be different.


     Scott went ahead and turned his car off when he got Ryan's reply. He was going to try something different tonight. Twice now, he's ended the dates early because Ryan looked so exhausted. He was starting to think he rushed in to this a little too fast, and maybe that Ryan didn't actually enjoy spending time with him.

     He had a perfect idea for a change of pace, and a good opportunity to really win some of Ryan's affection. And, if this didn't work, maybe it was time to back off and let whatever his feelings were stay a crush. After all, they've known each other not quite a month and this was only their fourth date. The night after Ryan came to his clinic totally counted. Sure, they texted sometimes, but he'd never had a relationship where you only met the other person once a week. Schedule conflicts or not, was that even a relationship anymore?

     Scott mulled over the question, keeping an eye on the apartment complex entryway. Soon enough, he saw a familiar figure walk up to the glass, smooth his hair down, and push the door open. It was a cute, absent-minded gesture, which brought a smile to Scott's face. He wanted this to work. The time for being single was over. He wanted this one, and he was going to go for it. He got out of the car and waved Ryan over.

     Ryan  waved back and jogged over to Scott's car. Thank goodness he didn't seem upset at having been kept waiting. Scott swept him up in a quick embrace. Ryan was starting to get used to this kind of greeting, and was able to return it somewhat, but it still made him blush. Scott smelled amazing today, too.

     "Sorry for the wait," Ryan apologized as he pulled away.

     "Don't worry about it." Scott held on to Ryan's hands. "You hungry?"

     Scott laughed and opened the passenger door for his boyfriend, handing him inside. That was another thing Ryan was trying to get used to. He couldn't quite decide if Scott was joking, or if he really was that cheesey. Either way, it was growing on him a little. Scott got in on the driver's side and started the car.

     "So, where do you want to go today?" Ryan asked, fastening his seatbelt.

     "My sister's birthday is coming up so I wanted to hit the mall. I figure we can get something at the food court, then walk around with overpriced coffees as we check out the window displays. What do you think?"

     "Sounds fun. I haven't been to the mall in years."

     The mall was just outside the city limits, about a half hour drive from Ryan's place. It was about two hours by bus, which made for a very good reason why Ryan hadn't been in a while. Scott held Ryan's hand the whole time, as they talked about the odd things that happened at work. It was just one more thing Ryan was slowly getting used to, not that he thought it was a bad thing.

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