Christmas Shopping

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"I was thinking of one more stop before we go home, unless there's somewhere you want to go?" Scott was already driving to their next destination.

"How would I have anywhere I need to go?" Ryan asked, slightly confused.

"Not need, WANT."

"If you tell me where we're going now, I could answer better."

Ryan's spirits were higher than they'd been in a long time. It was an enormous relief to Scott, who'd been at his wits end trying to alleviate some of Ryan's completely justifiable depression. Their next stop was the most important one. Ryan was finally going to get his ring back. Strangely enough, he hadn't asked about it. Scott wondered why, but he didn't want to pry too much, and he didn't want to trigger anything on accident. HE knew where the ring was, and HE knew Ryan was about to get it back, so why not just let it be a pleasant surprise?


"Wow... I was told the parking lot could look like this, But I've never believed it until now..." Ryan gasped once they got to their destination. "Are we even going to be able to find a place to park?"

"Oh, there's bound to be a handicap spot somewhere." Scott said confidently.

The mall's parking lot was packed with the cars of people looking to get their holiday shopping done before the stores ran out of stuff. They circled the parking lot close to the building, hunting for an empty spot. There were a few spots way out at the edges of the lot, but they needed room to get Ryan's wheelchair in and out and even if they parked way out there, they couldn't guarantee someone wouldn't park next to them while they were inside. They circled twice thanks to Scott's stubborn refusal to get up, and managed to get a handicap spot close to a side entrance by waiting on a car to load up and pull out. The driver car behind them wasn't happy, honking once or twice to get them to move.

The driver of the car behind them also had a few things to say once Scott had finally pulled into the spot and stepped out to reveal that he was perfectly healthy. Before Scott even had a chance to start unloading Ryan's wheelchair the other driver was laying into him about stealing handicap spaces from people who needed them and loudly accused him of being too lazy to walk from the back of the parking lot. They screeched about how Scott's car didn't even have a disability license plate, and how they were going to call the police to get the car towed.

Sure, tensions ran high this time of year, but this was ridiculous.

Ryan asked what was going on when Scott opened the door to get the wheelchair out, but Scott told him not to worry about it and just stared the person in the eyes as he pulled the clunky medical equipment out of the car and unfolded it. Even with that, the person wasn't willing to back down. It wasn't until he lifted Ryan out of the car, telling the other driver that he also had a temporary disability permit that the driver gave up and left. To be fair, the other car had a disability license plate, and they'd probably been searching for a spot just as long as Scott and Ryan had but still...

"Do you really think they're going to call the police on us...?" Ryan asked as Scott busied himself with getting the footrests properly adjusted.

"Don't worry. Even if they do, the police won't do anything. That tag hanging on the rearview mirror gives us permission to park here. There's two stores here I have to go to, and I was thinking if one of the salons had an opening, we could go ahead and get your hair cut?" Scott retrieved his backpack from the car and hung it on the back of the wheelchair to contain any of their potential purchases. It also contained everything he could possibly need to tend to Ryan no matter what situation popped up.

Ryan wasn't entirely sure he was ready for someone else to see his scar, and the hair around it hadn't quite grown long enough to hide it yet, but not being able to tie his hair back or tend to it himself was only making more work for Scott. He agreed quietly, but secretly wondered how he'd be able to sit in the stylist's chair long enough for it to be done. It was extremely uncomfortable to go without his legs being supported for too long.

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