Christmas Presents

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Present time. Ryan was all but forgotten with those words as the kids swarmed around Howard, eager for whatever trinkets had been prepared for them. Gail put on some festive music as packages were distributed, and boxes were exchanged. Damien was the only one who didn't run off with the other kids. He was still busy at work with his picture.

"Damien! Damien! Look! You got a present too!" Sophie came bounding back over with two little packages, handing one to her brother before taking him by the hand and dragging him off. "Come on, let's go open them together!"

"They're some good kids," Ryan sighed wistfully, admiring his newly colorful bandages.

"You did very well with such a large group of kids. I'm impressed." Scott leaned in to steal a kiss.

"I like kids well enough, I just don't get much opportunity to interact with them."

"Well, either way, I believe my father announced it was time for presents?" Scott fished a small, wrapped box out from seemingly nowhere and handed it over. "I know it's only Christmas Eve, but I couldn't resist getting you a little something."

Ryan accepted it with curiosity. "What about all that other stuff you've already given me? Didn't you claim that was all 'early Christmas presents' too?"

Scott gave him a sly wink. "We'll just call those 'pre-Christmas' presents. Go on, open it!"

Ryan gave him an incredulous look, since surely Scott was trying to spoil him too much. Still, after a little bit of struggle, he finally got the little package open. "Cuddle Bug... Is this what I think it is? It's beautiful..."

Inside was a locket charm, in the same white gold as his engagement ring and the chain it was currently hanging from. It was shaped like a square, and had of all things engraved into it, a pixelated heart.

Scott offered his explanation behind it. "I figure after we get your ring resized, you could wear it on that chain if you wanted. Maybe it's a bit silly, but do you like it...?"

Ryan made a beckoning motion with his finger, giving Scott another kiss once he got close enough. "Of course I love it. How could I not love something you put so much thought into? Can... can you go ahead and put it on the chain for me...?"

Scott was quick to oblige, removing Ryan's chain, stringing on the locket, and replacing it around Ryan's neck with ease. "I haven't put a picture in it yet, but we can get whichever one you want printed, just let me know."

Ryan pulled him in for another quick kiss, and as soon as they were done they were both handed their gifts from Scott's parents. Ryan had to get a little help opening this one since it was well wrapped, but they ended up being a matching set of mugs, one with the "omega" symbol, and one with the "alpha" symbol. Ryan thanked them profusely, and gave Gail the awkward kind of half-hug he could manage while sitting down.

The two of them ended up with a decent little pile of presents in the end, mostly holiday themed snacks and those pre-packaged gift sets most stores started carrying this time of year. They even got not one, but TWO tins of popcorn. Ryan had always seen them fly off the shelves when he worked at the grocery store, so he was looking forward to seeing for himself how good they were.

With the present exchange from his extended family was over, Scott was surprised by receiving a second present just for him. It was beautifully wrapped by his mother, but addressed from Ryan. He looked over at Ryan for clarification, since surely he'd been unable to do any shopping on his own, so just how did Ryan manage to get him a gift?

"Now before you open that," Ryan warned, "I want you to know that I tried, and that I'm totally up for trying to make something better once I can use my wrists again. It's okay if you don't like it, and you don't have to use this at all if you don't want to."

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