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"Here, your tie's a little crooked. Let me fix it for you."

Edwardo bent down to redo Michael's tie. Michael had been staying over the past few days, taking things easy and trying to rest up and focus on both the court case and his proposal for the city's ad campaign. Howard had been more than happy to give him as much time as he needed from the bakery, especially with how obviously the stress from it all had been getting to him.

Today was the first day of the trial against the shipping company for negligence and blatant disregard for employee welfare. More importantly, it was to prove that they actively discriminated against their omega employees. It was a big deal. This was the whole case that sparked the Justice for Omegas movement in the first place.

Michael was nervous. That much was obvious. At least Edwardo was being patient.

It had taken a whole day and trips to four different shops to find a suit Michael liked that fit. If there was more time to prepare, Edwardo would have gladly paid for a custom one, but he had to admit all that effort was worth it to see his Dolcito all dressed up. Michael looked particularly pure in the tan plaid set they'd finally been able to find. As for Edwardo, he already had a whole collection of designer suits he wore for work. He was currently sporting a dark navy set, paired with his favorite tie.

"I noticed you wear that tie I made you a lot." Michael reached out to smooth Edwardo's collar. Not that it needed smoothing, but he needed to feel like he was doing something to help too. "Half the time it doesn't even match what you have on."

"I wear it because it's my favorite, and because my favorite person made it for me, even when he was very justifiably mad at me."

Michael blushed. "I'll have to make you a few more... People might start to think that's the only one you've got..."

"Ooo... so does that mean I can look forward to a whole exclusive collection from my favorite designer?"

The ridiculously eager look Edwardo gave was enough for Michael to crack a smile and relieve some of the tension in the room. Even Essie, who'd been laying on the floor nearby while her humans got ready, perked up and thumped her tail loudly against the wall. She'd calmed down a bit since Michael started "living" at Edwardo's place, but she was always conveniently in whichever room Michael was in.

"Come on," Edwardo gave Michael's forehead a kiss. "We'll need to leave now if we want a good parking spot at the court house."

Michael did his best to keep himself distracted on the drive by fiddling with his cuff links. He'd worn all kinds of attire for photoshoots before, but a suit was definitely something he wasn't accustomed to. Not that that was a bad thing, but it made him feel like more of a professional, like what he had to say was important or something. He wished they'd been able to find something with a little more color to it, but both Edwardo and every one of the shop keepers had assured him that keeping things neutral in a situation like this was best. He even debated dying his hair back close to his natural color, but Edwardo told him he didn't need to go that far.

Far sooner than Michael would have liked, the ornate court house building came into view and there was a crowd of people outside on the steps with cameras and microphones just like the lawyers had warned them there might be. Michael took a steadying breath as Edwardo pulled into a spot near the door. Not too long after Edwardo had shut off the car, Michael noticed Scott's vehicle pulling into the handy capped space a few spots down.

Michael sent a text to Ryan telling him to look to his left. After catching his friend's eye, he pointed to the crowd of reporters and sent another text asking, "You think they're here for us?"

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