Courthouse Pt 2

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Much as he was dreading it, Michael didn't get called to testify that day. Instead, they called Scott up to the podium.

Now, Scott couldn't speak on the working conditions or harassment levels within the shipping company, but he could speak on how the assault affected Ryan's quality of life. After being sworn in, he was made to outline a day as a caretaker, sunup to sundown, and how things had changed from right after the incident till today.

That wasn't all either. Their lawyer verified Scott's profession, and confirmed that he'd been unable to work since assuming the full-time caretaker role. He wasn't made to openly disclose lost wages and daily expenses, but he did verify that a stack of papers their lawyer showed him was indeed the expense report he'd provided her with. He was then handed a stack of medical bills, and he verified that those were genuine as well. Both sets of documents were given to the judge to look over, then it was the defense's turn to ask questions.

The shipping company's lawyer was just as ruthless in his questioning of Scott as he was with Ryan, the only difference being that since Scott was able to make it up to the witness stand the guy wasn't able to tower over him. He wanted to know what Scott's relevance to the case was, and even suggested Ryan was milking his injuries to get greater sympathy.

Scott was quick to shoot that statement down, testifying to his fiance's stubborn independent streak, and how hard things had been on Ryan mentally.

"In your opinion as an alpha, Dr. Kranston," the defense lawyer drawled, "Would you not attest to the fact that the only purpose of the omega is to serve as breeding stock for others of your particular genetic making? In that regard-"

"That question is out of line!" Scott cut the guy off with a steely glint in his eyes.

Banging sounded through the room as the judge pounded his gavel, quieting the whispers from the jury and spectators. The defense lawyer was given a warning to keep the questioning relevant to the case at hand, and to refrain from using such insults. The defense lawyer offered a hollow apology and rephrased his question.

"Do you feel an omega would instigate an attack like this for personal gain or to obtain sympathy from an alpha they were involved with?"

Scott took a breath to calm himself. "Omegas are individuals, just like everyone else. I'm not saying there's not an omega somewhere who wouldn't do what you just described. However, my Ryan would never do that. Sir, have you ever even spent time around an omega? Or do you only go on rumors?"

The lawyer scoffed. "What need would I have to spend time around such 'people'?"

Scott's eye twitched at the way the guy said the word 'people,' almost as if he'd substituted it for something more derogatory. Before Scott could even open his mouth to retaliate, the judge was banging his gavel again, giving the defense lawyer a final warning. Completely nonplussed, the lawyer released Scott with no further questions.

Michael practically shook in his seat, trying not to let his anger get the better of him. There were no witnesses left to call. He knew he was going to be next, and that sceevy asshole was going to do his best to get under his skin.

After the commotion, court was frustratingly adjourned for the day, and Michael was again made to wait to testify.


Day four, after stopping their lawyer in the hallway and verifying that today was the day he could finally get it over with, Michael got called to the witness stand.

After being sworn in, Scott and Ryan's lawyer asked the same questions she'd told him she would, and Michael answered them all to the best of his ability. Michael detailed typical work conditions, the more common forms of harassment he and Ryan received, and the general attitude of management when he and Ryan filed complaints.

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