Family To The Rescue

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Howard got to them in almost record time, speeding in Scott's car with the emergency flashers on. Even though the bakery was busy, he'd left work as soon as he got off the call, leaving the store to his capable assistant manager. He found them both safe and sound exactly where Ryan had told them they would be. His son was passed out in the back seat, while Ryan was still buckled into the front, unmolested.

"I tried to keep talking to him to make him stay awake," Ryan said almost frantically when Howard had gotten out of Scott's car and come over to assess the situation, "But he stopped responding a while ago, and I'm worried he's going to get too cold!"

Howard calmly took charge of the situation. This was much better than he was expecting.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine," Howard assured. "The suppressant drug is just doing what it's supposed to do. Once he gets a chance to sleep it off, he'll be back to normal. How about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm a little cold, but Scott gave me his jacket, and I know he took his shirt off, and if I'm dressed and have two jackets and I'm still cold, I know he must be freezing..."

The car was still running with the heat on, but with most of the doors open, it wasn't able to accumulate.

"He'll be fine." Howard assured again. "Let's get you boys back to the house.

For safe measure though, he went ahead and draped his son's shirt over him before buckling him up, and shut the doors to let the heat get a chance to start working while he went to go appropriately park Scott's car and lock it up. He may not have been used to driving a smaller car, but there was no doubt Ryan's wheelchair would have never fit in it. He had no problems swapping for as long as they needed to.

By the time he got back to his own car, the inside was finally starting to feel somewhat comfortable. On the drive back Ryan apologized to him several times for taking him away from work, to which Howard assured each time that this was definitely an emergency situation and to not feel bad about it. To try and get Ryan off the subject of apologizing, he asked him about some of the stuff he and Scott did while they were out. That story took up most of the ride home, though when Ryan got to the part about the incident in the mall lounge, it nearly made his blood boil. No wonder Scott had gone into rut.

When Howard got them all back to his house, he had to prioritize getting Scott out of the car first. He wouldn't be able to get the wheelchair out with him in the way. Ryan didn't mind waiting. In fact, he insisted Scott get seen to first.

Gail came out to help, and it took some doing, but they were able to get Scott roused enough to get out of the car. He mumbled something about needing to make sure Ryan was okay, refusing to move until Ryan assured him he was fine, that nothing happened, and that Scott needed to go lay down. Only then did he allow himself to be led inside, leaning heavily on his father.

Ryan waited patiently for his turn to get out of the car, fiddling with his ring for comfort. After a little while, Gail came out to keep him company while Howard got Scott settled. She took care of repacking the backpack's haphazardly strewn contents, and unloaded the wheelchair so everything was ready to go by the time her husband came back out. Ryan made sure to apologize to her for the inconvenience, too.

Howard had a little more trouble than Scott did getting Ryan unloaded, but was gentle with it all the same. Ryan apologized for being heavy. The wheelchair barely fit through the front door, and Ryan apologized for that too. Scott's sister, Elizabeth was there waiting in the front room, and as soon as Ryan was in the house she and her dad went to go retrieve Scott's car from where it had been left. This left Ryan and Gail all alone. Ryan had been left in the wheelchair for the time being, and he wasn't going to complain. He apologized yet again for the inconvenience.

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