Good First Impressions

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Friday. Michael totally wasn't peeking through the curtains at his parent's house waiting for a car to pull up. He wouldn't do that. He didn't have his phone's notification sound turned to max. That would be a silly thing to do. He totally wasn't dressed in the most "normal," upscale, yet still completely colorful, clothing in his closet. There was no reason for him to do that. He wasn't monitoring the time by the second, either. Nope. Not him.

Edwardo was supposed to pick him up at seven. That's what they agreed to in their texts. It was ten 'till. It's not like Michael had been ready to go for an hour now, I mean jeez, he wasn't that desperate.

And I mean, he absolutely wasn't banking on getting laid. He didn't trim his body hair up all nice and pretty. He wasn't wearing his sexiest pair of underwear, the ones that were completely open in the back. It's not like he'd been fantasizing about having sex with the most drop-dead-gorgeous hunk of MAN for months on end, you know? Still... it didn't hurt to be prepared. Tonight might end up being the night he lost his V-card.

Above all, he was NOT nervous.

His parents had promised to get out of the house tonight, at his insistence. They were supposedly off on their own date, but he wasn't convinced they weren't just staked out somewhere nearby. They were good parents sure, but they had a habit of being overbearing sometimes. He didn't want to risk anything scaring Edwardo off. He wanted this date to go perfect. The man was everything his little omega heart wanted. Tonight had to be perfect.

Five minutes 'till. He could see a pair of headlights coming down the street. It had to be him, right? Oh, please let it be him! They got closer. They were slowing down... Holy shit! Was that what he thought it was?! The car just kept coming, it was a freaking limo! A limousine was parked outside his house! Holy Shit!

Michael very quickly shut the curtains and ran to the door to look out the peephole. The driver got out of the limo and circled around to open the passenger door. Michael had to swallow all the extra saliva his mouth was producing, because damn! The man that stepped out of that car was tastier than Michael had ever seen him be on a TV screen. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Tailored suit, oiled hair, and a rose corsage made for an extremely attractive character indeed. Edwardo was making his way to the front door. He had some kind of box in his hand, a present maybe? Michael hastily checked his reflection in the decorative mirror hanging nearby.


Michael waited a moment or two after the doorbell to actually open the door. He didn't want to seem desperate. He wasn't desperate. He wasn't... He was the most desirable omega in the world! And he wasn't the least bit nervous! Not him...

He opened the door, and confronted with his date, immediately forgot everything he was planning to say.

"House... hard... find...?" Michael stumbled over his words. He blew it. He totally just blew it. Could he get away with shutting the door and trying again?

Edwardo's heart was going a mile a minute. Michael was even more beautiful than in his Instagram pictures. He didn't even catch what Michael said when he opened the door, he was so nervous.

"Chocolate!" Edwardo held out the small box he brought with both hands in a stiff motion. "I brought you chocolate! You're really pretty tonight!"

They stared at each other in a mutual moment of short-circuiting. Michael came to his senses first, easing the tension by breaking into an awkward laugh when he realized how nervous they both were. Edwardo followed suit, their breaths making small clouds in the chilly night air.

"Thank you for the chocolate..." Michael carefully took the box. "Did... Did you really get a limousine for our date?"

"Well, I borrowed it... My dad uses it for official functions, but he insisted I take it tonight..." Edwardo rubbed the back of his neck. "He may be a politician, but he's a hopeless romantic."

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