In Trouble

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"Let me think about it?"

Michael's words replayed themselves over and over and over again in Edwardo's head. It hadn't been an outright "no," but Edwardo knew the second his question left his mouth that morning that their relationship was nowhere near repaired enough to ask such a thing.

Let me think about it...

It had barely been a week since Edwardo came back from his family holiday in Mexico, but that night had been the only one they had together. They hadn't even had a chance to go on a proper date yet either. Back with the Christmas rush and shopping season Michael had worked nearly every day, and Edwardo always looked forward to seeing he got home safely. Now with that all over with, Michael didn't get anywhere close to as many hours as before, and with fewer excuses to see each other Edwardo had to admit he was kind of lonely...

Talking on the phone was nowhere near as satisfying as being with Michael in person. Not that he hadn't gotten to spend any time with Michael at all, since he kind of got to have dinner with him last night. Well, dinner with him and his friend. More precisely, dinner with his friend and his friend's family. It was the same friend Michael had told him had gotten so injured at work, and the party was to celebrate the guy's casts coming off.

It wasn't even a bad experience. He'd known Howard and his wife from when their bakery took care of his twin brother's wedding. Edwardo was pretty sure their son was still in medical school at the time, so it was his first time meeting Scott. He couldn't help feeling a little jealous though, when he saw how much Scott doted on his fiance Ryan, and how much Ryan reciprocated. If he hadn't been so stupid, he might be even halfway to a relationship like that with Michael by now...

But, he was stupid. And it was practically rubbed in his face yesterday.

Edwardo was getting a little worried that Michael hadn't brought up his question at all after that morning. He really was trying to be patient but it was killing him. He wondered if this was anything like what Michael went through at the start of their relationship. If it was, then he owed Michael a whole lot of patience.

Still, Michael looked absolutely adorable at that dinner. His hair had been freshly colored, and it was hard for Edwardo not to notice some of his accessories were ones he'd gotten him as souvenirs from his trip. The candy shaped hair clips suited Michael particularly well. Edwardo knew when he saw them that they'd be perfect for his Dolcito.

He couldn't dwell on any of that now. He was at the news studio and everyone was gearing up for the live broadcast. The five minute warning call was given, so he needed to get in the zone and go from "Edwardo the Lovelorn" to "Edwardo the Weatherman." The makeup crew came by for a few last-minute touchups, and then it was time for him to stand on his mark in front of the green screen.

It was a fun enough job. Fairly easy. Read aloud, point where you're supposed to, and look good doing it. He was even wearing the tie Michael made for him today. In fact, he'd worn it several times this week. He hoped Michael was watching the broadcast. Maybe he should send Michael more sunflowers? Michael liked sunflowers...


Michael sat restlessly in Councilman Sanchez's office. He'd gotten a phone call this morning from Edwardo's father that an urgent matter had come up and that it was vital that they talk. Councilman Sanchez's aid picked him up from home not long after that, and now he was stuck waiting. How urgent could it be? Whatever it was, it involved Edwardo too, and he wouldn't be available until the news broadcast finished for the morning.

Waiting like this was nerve-wracking. Were they in trouble? But Edwardo's family approved of their relationship though... Did something bad happen? Councilman Sanchez certainly seemed stressed out for what little he saw of him. It had to be something bad. There's no way it wasn't something bad...

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