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Ryan's preferred method of telling his co-workers he was engaged was to purposely call attention to his ring so they would ask and he could confirm that yes, the man of his dreams and love of his life had asked him to marry him. Most of them brushed him off, or commented that the color was weird and engagement rings were only supposed to be diamonds. One asked if the colors were a sports team thing.

None of it got to him. His whole body was abuzz with giddy energy. Not even rude customers and sexist remarks could keep him down for long. All he needed was to look down at his ring, and the world was right again. Scott's parents were thrilled, and after delivering the big news, there may or may not have been some money exchanged under the table.

Michael had the best reaction of them all. He'd sat down hard in surprise in the break room when Ryan all but danced in, flashing his ring and grinning from ear to ear.

Ryan had debating sending his friend a picture of it immediately after Scott proposed, but had decided instead to show it to Michael in person on their next shift.

"Woah..." Michael ran his hands through his hair, this month bleached blonde with a strip of green down the middle. "Congratulations! But... Just... Woah..."

"It still doesn't quite feel real yet... I get to call him "fiance"... We're planning on mating my next heat... It's just, oh! Nobody wake me up, because I'm sure I must be dreaming!"

"I only wish you'd let me meet the guy before you go off getting bitten. A best friend has to weigh in a little, right?"

"I know, I know! It's just it's kinda hard to get schedules lined up. I promise I'll find a way for you to meet him soon."

Much as they wanted to stand around and gossip, the work shift had started. They were still operating as a team of two, and had pretty much been told it would stay that way until the holiday rush started. It sucked, of course. Even still, knowing that when they did get help, it would be a temp or a newbie that would only slow them down at first wasn't much better.

It did mean that they could somewhat continue their conversations as they worked without worrying about who would be made uncomfortable, at least as long as they kept things PG. It was easy for Ryan, but Michael had to catch himself sometimes.

"You know, some days I seriously think about quitting this dump." Michael paused for a second to wipe the sweat from his brow before he went back to stacking boxes.

"I'll probably quit after Christmas." Ryan grunted in effort over lifting a heavier than usual package. "That's when my lease is up, so I'll be moving in with Scott. I won't have to worry about covering that crazy rent of mine."

"You're so damn lucky. Living at home low-key sucks, and my parents still charge me rent. They'd kill be if I left a job without having another lined up."

Michael knew of course, that his friend was a little worse off than he was. Still, he couldn't help being a little jealous. Hearing Ryan's cute stories, and now seeing his ring, made him wish someone felt like that about him. And, he certainly wouldn't mind a mate rich enough that he'd never have to work again.

"I thought you earned some money with your Instagram pictures?" Ryan asked.

"Not really. I've got it set up so fans can send me money if they want to, but I earn like, less than ten bucks a week. Can't live off that. Nah, I need a sugar daddy."

"Couldn't you tell all those people who like your photos that your looking for a boyfriend?"

Michael almost dropped the box he was moving as he leveled the biggest "are you serious" stare he could muster at his friend.

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