Intimacy and Experimentation Pt 1

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It was three weeks after Ryan's breakdown incident at FedEx. Nothing more had come of it, and the team was still split. Michael could swear there was bullying going on. It was just him and Ryan working a bay all by themselves since then, and it always seemed their tools were never where they were supposed to be they were always last in line to get forklift assistance, and we're starting to get in trouble for falling behind. It was nothing they could prove or contest, and every time they asked when they'd have a full team again, they were told "it's being looked in to."

Ryan wasn't going to let that get him down, though. It was Saturday, but it was a special Saturday. He and Scott had made some super special plans. He'd managed to get two days off in a row from his restaurant gig. Well, not exactly off. He'd gotten Sunday off as promised, but he had to work a double to get tonight off as well.

None of this was going to get to him. This weekend was THEIR weekend! As he rung people up at the grocery, he put extra effort in his customer service. Even the typical Saturday nonsense wasn't getting to him. The plan was that when he got off, Scott would come and get him. Then, they'd go somewhere nice for a late lunch/early dinner. Then, they'd take a walk around the park. Finally, it would be back to Scott's place, hopefully for a bit of bedroom activity. Sunday would be dinner with Scott's parents again. Ryan could hardly wait!

The minutes passed slowly. Why was it taking so long for three o'clock to get here?! He was frustrated and excited at the same time. You might as well have told him you were taking him to Disney as he was spending the weekend with his boyfriend. He tried not to think about it too much, but his overnight bag was in his locker and he was ready to go!

Noon, one o'clock, two o'clock, two thirty, two forty five, two fifty... Any minute now, Scott would walk in the store's entrance, and their weekend would commence. Five till... The manager came to take him off the register. No sign of Scott. He couldn't have his phone on the sales floor, what if something happened and Scott had to cancel? No. Ryan had to be patient. That was very hard to do when you're antsy.

His shift was over. He went back to the break room to get his stuff. Still no sign of Scott. He checked his phone. No messages, no missed calls. He tried giving Scott a call, and it went straight to voicemail. A little disheartened, he gathered up his things. Maybe something came up and Scott was just busy? He left the break room and started making his way up front.

Someone tapped his shoulder. When he turned to look, there was nobody there. Then, from his opposite side, a familiar voice asked, "Ready to go?"

"What?! Oh jeez- you scared me!" Ryan laughed.


Scott took Ryan's bag and wrapped his arm around Ryan's shoulder, pulling him close for a quick kiss before they continued on their way to the exit. Ryan thought Scott was dressed very nicely in his crisp button-up and slacks, though the shirt bulged at the chest ever so slightly.

"Did you just get here?"

"Nah, I've been here a few minutes, but you looked so busy I didn't want to disturb you. Did you know you smile different when you work?"

"I'm sure you put on a different face when you're working too," Ryan teased. "Not that I've seen what you look like whilst operating a speculum..."

"You might, some day." Scott teased right back. "Especially seeing as such screenings are recommended periodically."

Ryan bumped up against him, and Scott bumped right back. Outside, the sun was out and it was pleasantly warm. When Ryan asked Scott where they were going for dinner, he was told it was a surprise.

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