Hitting A Rut

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"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Scott roared.

His blood was rushing in his ears. After he sent the first guy flying, he threw the second to the floor. He shouldn't have left his Ryan alone, no matter the circumstances. This was his fault, as much as the accident was his fault. If he had taken charge and been a REAL alpha, none of this would have happened! He could have marked his Ryan by force MONTHS ago, and none of this would have happened! There were nervous murmurs from the onlookers. Why hadn't any of them tried to help HIS Ryan?

Security came in shortly after, demanding to know what was going on. Scott was ready to blow up at them too, for not coming sooner. Weren't they supposed to keep shit like this from happening? Before he even had a chance to open his mouth, he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned quickly, ready to beat as much ass as he needed to, to find that it was Ryan trying to get his attention. His Ryan. His sweet Ryan with the beautiful long fingers and wonderfully soft curly hair and gorgeously beautiful melting brown eyes...

He was on his knees in an instant, thoroughly inspecting his fiance for any sign of injury.

Scott's words came in a rush. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Why didn't you call for me? I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I'm so sorry!"

The security guard turned to the bystanders to try and get an idea on what happened, while the punks were flipping out over their leader who had apparently been knocked unconscious.

"I'm okay. I promise I'm okay. They were just trying to scare me, I think. I'm okay..." Ryan assured him. "Scott...? I think your hand's bleeding..."

Sure enough, red was starting to bloom on Scott's knuckles. He quickly fished a mini pack of tissues from a side pocket in the bag on Ryan's chair. He dabbed at his injury absentmindedly as he continued to bombard Ryan with questions consisting of various ways to ask, "Are you sure you're okay?"

As Scott fussed, one of the more brave witnesses started answering the security guard's questions. The unconscious guy's friends were vehemently denying the accusations against them, but the guard pinned them with a look, and pointed up at the black dome in the ceiling that housed the security camera, promising to "Let the tapes do the talking."

Protocol was followed. An ambulance was called to assess injuries, and the police were called to take statements. The guy who'd been knocked out woke up after a few minutes, and ended up being taken to the hospital to monitor for concussion. His friends were threatening lawsuits until the police came back from viewing the tapes and placed them under arrest for assaulting a disabled person. As soon as their leader was released from the hospital, he could consider himself under arrest as well.

Scott didn't get out of it clean either. It was determined he'd cut his knuckles on the other guy's teeth, and would need a tetanus shot. Luckily, the paramedics were able to administer it as well as patch up his wound. He strongly insisted they give Ryan a once-over, despite Ryan protesting that he was indeed unharmed.

Scott was almost shaking the whole time. Once the paramedics had determined that there were indeed no additional injuries to his Ryan, all he wanted to do was go home. He wanted to take HIS Ryan home and curl up in bed with him and forget that today ever happened. What was he thinking? Today was a horrible idea! He should have listened to Ryan in the first place! His father could have picked up the ring for them. He could have mail ordered the game systems. He could have gotten lunch delivered again. He was sure he could have even found a way to do the cemetery flowers without leaving the house. What was he thinking?

"Scott, are you sure YOU'RE okay?" Ryan asked as paramedics and police alike packed up and left, leaving them alone with the security guard and a small gaggle of curious onlookers.

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