Movie Night

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Michael hid a cheeky grin behind a handful of popcorn as Edwardo set the movie up. This was MUCH more preferable than having a beanbag chair to himself! He snuggled in a little deeper, using Edwardo's chest as a pillow. He could easily hear Eddie's rapid heartbeat. And if he wasn't mistaken, something was definitely trying to get stiff underneath him. He wouldn't say he purposely shifted his weight to tease that particular spot some more, but to be honest that's exactly what he did.

Edwardo tried to force himself to calm down. He tried to tell himself that cuddling was a normal couple thing to do. He told himself this was no big deal, that it was no different than when Essie wanted to get in his lap.

Speaking of which, Ms. Princess Bonita Esperanza decided she needed to get in on the love too, and tried to join the two of them in the beanbag.

"Sorry girl, one at a time." Edwardo blocked her from jumping up. "Michael was here first."

She made a grumbly discontented sound and tried to get up again.

"No." Edwardo was firm. "You can go lay in the other beanbag."

She whined pathetically, looking between Michael and Edwardo, putting one paw on the beanbag, trying to make a very solid case for why she needed to cuddle with them too.

"Aww..." Michael cooed, finding it adorable. He really did kinda want Edwardo for himself right now though so he made her his own offer. "If you let me cuddle your daddy all by myself for a while, I promise I'll cuddle with you later, okay?"

She turned her puppy dog eyes back to Edwardo.

"You heard him. We can all cuddle later, but for now you have to go lay in the other beanbag."

She huffed and grumbled, but she finally gave up and went to lay in the other beanbag, finishing her protest with a noisy yawn after getting settled. Michael couldn't help but notice Edwardo had modified the compromise he'd made, including himself in this theoretical future cuddling session. He also couldn't help but notice that Edwardo finally seemed to relax underneath him, unclenching tensed muscles and sinking into the chair. Little victories.

Edwardo got the movie going and tentatively wrapped an arm around Michael's midsection. With Michael's head right under his chin, Michael's smell was coming in loud and clear. Plus, there was something different about the feeling of having Michael in his lap as opposed to when Essie was in his lap. The weight distribution was different, and once he got himself to calm down it was a very enjoyable experience. He couldn't help but think Michael was the perfect size for this.

That didn't mean he could let down his guard entirely though. He wouldn't be able to hide it if he accidentally got a boner in this situation. And it would probably be a good idea to not drop any popcorn on Michael's head. At least for the first concern, the fact that the movie they were watching was a holiday comedy without intimate scenes was a help.

Michel had no problem at all getting into the movie. This was easily the first- or second-best date he'd been on. For all his muscles, Edwardo was surprisingly comfortable to snuggle up to. Pair that with a morning of hard work, the aftermath of dealing with that damned glass elevator, and a full belly? Being held like he was while watching a comedy movie was very soothing. To top it off, getting to hear Eddie's deep laugh with his ear pressed to his chest was icing on the cake.

The first movie ended, and even with the sun down neither of them were ready for the date to be over. It was still snowing outside, and wasn't due to let up until well after midnight, not that it would make driving conditions more dangerous. The city had good infrastructure and kept the roads salted this time of year. Edwardo suggested they watch one more movie before he took Michael home, to which Michael readily agreed. Edwardo took advantage of the pause to get a bathroom break in before they started it up though.

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