Light At The End Of The Tunnel (+)

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Scott delighted in the way Ryan's hair twisted around his fingers. It's been a little over a month since they went to get it cut and it had since grown in quite nicely. It even covered Ryan's scar if you could get it to lay right, but Scott wasn't too worried about that. Ryan had been absolutely adorable with long hair, but with short hair?

In Scott's opinion, Ryan with short hair was absolutely stunning!

"Do you really like playing with my hair all that much?" Ryan asked with a laugh.

"I could stop, if it's bothering you?" Scott suggested.

"Please don't, it actually feels really nice..."

They'd finally gotten back home after a busy morning out, and Scott had gotten himself distracted getting Ryan set up on the couch. The day started off by going out to breakfast before Ryan's psychiatry appointment. They'd managed to get Ryan set up for weekly visits for the time being, and Scott could tell it was doing some good. Without breaking the confidentiality, both he and the therapist were able to come up with a treatment plan that seemed to be working, consisting of limiting news consumption, making sure to leave the apartment at least every two days, and giving Ryan as much autonomy as possible. He still had bad days, but there was progress.

This morning had started off a little sour, for example. The city got its first big snowfall last night, and with the change in the weather Ryan hadn't slept well because it made his injuries ache. Of course he didn't want to wake Scott up to ask for pain medication, so instead he woke up sore and irritable.

After he was properly medicated and had a chance to move around a little he was fine though.

They'd even stopped in the park on the way home to watch people playing in the snow. A huge snowball war had broken out between two groups of kids which was plenty of fun to watch, and everywhere there were patches of undisturbed snow, couples were building snowmen. Scott even built a little one so he and Ryan could join in on the fun, taking care to never leave Ryan out of his line of sight. A pair of twigs broken off of a nearby tree served as arms, and let Ryan help with the project since he could stick the branches in the snowman without getting his casts wet. Scott made sure to take plenty of pictures of the two of them and their first snowman, and he couldn't wait to get them printed out.

Overall, Ryan had seemed like he was in very high spirits the past few days. His casts came off in a little over a week. Forget the fact that Christmas was coming in just a few days, or even that they'd finally been given a court date for the assault case, the casts coming off were by far what Ryan was most excited about.

"Eight and a half days," Ryan sighed contentedly. "Eight and a half days and I'll finally have my freedom back!"

"Now, don't expect to be able to walk out of the doctor's office, Hot Stuff." Scott leaned over just far enough to kiss Ryan's forehead before moving to sit next to Ryan on the couch, lifting Ryan's legs gently to put them in his lap. "You've got a lot of work in physical therapy coming your way."

"I know, I know." Ryan wasn't about to let that spoil his excitement. "I know there's a lot of things I'll have to work hard at to be able to do again, but there's so much I'll be able to do once these damned casts come off!"

"Oh? Like what?" Scott humored him.

"Well, for starters, I'll get to wear my ring again!"

Scott couldn't help but grin. "And, what else?"

"And I'll get to sleep in whatever position I want, and I'll get to brush my own teeth, and eat with my right hand, and hold a video game controller the right way, and wash my body by myself..."

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