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Michael clicked the link out of curiosity, and the video that opened centered on a couple. The guy looked a lot like Edwardo, but his hair was slightly longer and his shoulders weren't as wide. The other person was a beautiful Hispanic lady with long dark brown hair, and a grin that suggested whatever this was about had some serious mischief attached.

They introduced themselves as Enrique and Angela, Edwardo's brother and sister-in-law. Apparently this was their plan to get back at Edwardo for getting totally shit-faced on the plane trip, and to give Michael a candid look on how their family feels about Edwardo being in a same-sex relationship. Enrique was going to handle the interviews, and Angela was going to film and translate. Michael continued watching eagerly...

The format was pretty simple. They asked their family members if they'd noticed Edwardo was feeling down, and pretty much everyone admitted to thinking something was wrong. Then they gave the reason for Edwardo being so gloomy as he did something stupid to hurt his boyfriend's feelings. Most of them reacted mildly, or with a hint of surprise at the word "boyfriend." Though, one older woman made it a point of saying she knew Edwardo would end up with another man.

Then, Enrique showed them pictures of Michael from his phone. There were lots of "oos" and "ahhs" and literally everyone called him pretty. Michael couldn't help but be a little embarrassed when the interviews got to that part.

In at least two of the clips, Edwardo had caught them filming and tried to get them to stop by trying to take away the camera. Of course, he was unsuccessful each time.

They even managed to get some sneaky footage of Edwardo being chewed out by various family members. Michael almost felt bad for him. Almost. Not really.

There were a few of Edwardo's family he had a feeling he'd get along with wonderfully, judging only from their short interviews. One was a little girl, who couldn't have been much more than five years old. She apparently loved whatever pictures they showed her, and was asking things like how Michael got so good at makeup, and if he painted his nails himself, and if she asked really nicely if he would paint her nails so she could be pretty too.

She was one of the ones they caught video footage of confronting Edwardo, supposedly telling him, "Uncle Eddie, you need to make up with the pretty man because I really want to play 'makeovers' with Uncle Michael and you're not supposed to tell lies anyway because you're supposed to tell the truth because if you don't you get in trouble."

She went on to say, allegedly, since Angela clarified it was a rough translation, that Edwardo was a "Meanie McPoopy Pants" for lying.

Michael couldn't contain his laughter. He was ready to fly out right now to hang out with that kid, even if he'd need a translator to be able to talk to her.

Another one that had him in stitches was when they interviewed a middle-aged woman, who from the brightly colored drink in her hand had to have been at least a little drunk. She squealed in delight over Michael's pictures, remarking on how cute he was. Next thing, she'd taken the camera for herself and centered it on her face, fluttering her eyelashes and speaking in English.

"Honey, forget that old Edwardo. He doesn't deserve you anyway. I'll be your sugar mamacita! Tia Ti-ti would take good care of a sweet thing like you!"

Enrique jokingly called her a cougar for going after someone half her age. She didn't deny it one bit, letting out another high-pitched noise that must have probably been a laugh.

It all made Michael feel so fuzzy inside. Every one of Edwardo's family members seemed really cool, so why did Edwardo feel he needed to lie to them?

The last interview in the video was with a very sweet, very old, and very frail looking lady who was tucked up all nice and cozy in a chair. He heard Enrique use the term "abuela," and Angela helpfully clarified that this was Edwardo and Enrique's grandmother on their mother's side, the one who had dementia really bad. She cooed over Michael's pictures too, supposedly calling him "very handsome." Then she was told about Edwardo's lie, and nearly did a 180 in personality, demanding Edwardo be brought to her that instant.

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