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Ryan lazed in the bed with Scott's head pillowed on his chest. Here lately, there's been some mornings where they'd wake up like this with their typical cuddling roles reversed. It was nice. Ryan liked getting the chance to play with Scott's hair, and look down at Scott's peacefully sleeping face. It gave him a very addictive warm and fuzzy feeling.

Scott stirred a little, wrapping himself more securely around his fiance's torso. "Happy birthday," he murmured into Ryan's nightclothes.

Ryan continued gently raking his fingers through his fiance's hair. "Happy Valentine's Day," he responded quietly.

"I love you so much..."

"I love you so much too!" Ryan chuckled, amused by Scott's half-asleep voice.

Scott started humming the happy birthday song as he shimmied up to be even with his fiance's face. When he got to the important part, he sang, "Happy birthday, dear Ryan, happy birthday to you!"

They shared a kiss, and simply enjoyed each other's presence a few moments as Scott finished waking up, before they had to get up and get dressed for breakfast. They were almost ready to head out the door, when Scott made Ryan wait a moment.

"You're forgetting something very important, Hot Stuff!" Scott insisted, digging through his luggage.

Ryan watched him curiously, leaning on his walker near the door. He certainly didn't think he forgot anything. Then he saw the little plastic box Scott pulled out. Of course! How could he forget something so important on his birthday?

"Will you pin it on for me?" Ryan asked.

Scott happily obliged, taking the slightly faded, slightly frayed "Birthday Boy" ribbon out of its case and pinning it on Ryan's chest. A special box for the special and very sentimental accessory was one of the first thing's he'd thought to get when he and Ryan started living together. Once things calmed down, of course.

Now properly outfitted, they were finally ready to go enjoy the dual occasion resort style.

The change in atmosphere was apparent the instant they stepped out of their room. Down both sides of the hallway, garlands of paper hearts decorated the walls. And sure enough as they made their way to breakfast, every vase full of red roses also had a few tinsel and glitter heart picks added to them. Even the tables at breakfast were strewn with heart-shaped confetti.

Scott and Ryan weren't the only ones enamored with the settings either. As couples slowly made their way to the dining room where breakfast was served, it was easy to tell they were just a little more giddy, their cheeks were just a little more flushed, and their smiles just a little more wide.

Not to mention that every staff member that greeted them also wished Ryan a happy birthday.

Breakfast kept the spirit of the holiday flowing too. Chocolate themed options abounded, both in food and drink. Eggs had been cooked in heart-shaped molds, and even completely savory options came with chocolate bonbons. Scott's sweet tooth decided his choice though, and Ryan wasn't about to give up trying something new. Scott had double chocolate chip pancakes, while Ryan had to try the chocolate mousse stuffed French toast. Of course, they made sure to share a few bites with each other.

It's a good thing the weather was nice too. Their first activity for the day was the promised golf cart drive around the lake. Scott made a quick trip back to their room to grab their jackets, and a staff member showed them to the resort's rear entrance, where the little vehicle was waiting. Bungee cords were used to secure Ryan's walker to the back seats, and with little other prep they were off, with Scott behind the wheel.

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